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Theatre of Blood got switched immediatly when I got it last week!
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Near all of the early Arrow releases are switched. I rarely switch them around these days, some really superior art from the likes of Graham Humphries and whoever did the new Invasion art for e.g.
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I don't think I have any of my blu rays switched except some of the slipcase ones. I prefer all the spines to be those of the new artworks, however with the slipcase ones I can choose whatever artwork.
__________________ This is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time. Fuzzy's Sale/Trade Thread! - Blu, DVD, Boxsets (TV/Movie), Anime, Manga |
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![]() "Blu-Ray Review: John Rowall checks out Arrow's new Blu-ray release of Mark of the Devil..." Film 6 Video 8 Audio 7 Extras 8 Mark of the Devil | Blu-Ray Review | Film @ The Digital Fix
__________________ People try to put us down Just because we get around Golly, Gee! it's wrong to be so guilty |
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![]() Yeah, that's a terrible sleeve.
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It's rare I look at a release with a tinge of jealousy since becoming region free, but I can't help hoping Arrow consider two upcoming Twilight Time releases, The Believers and Audrey Rose. Failing anyone other than TT putting them out, my DVDs will do. But both have plenty of potential for interesting supplements, considering the history of those involved.
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***Stray Cat Rock: The Collection release date update*** Sadly we have again encountered a last minute manufacturing delay which is going to result in stock of this title arriving early next week and thus missing our October 6th release date. With this in mind we are having to push the release date back 1 week to the 13th. Direct orders from the Arrow Store will of course be shipped as soon as the stock arrives with us. |
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It would seem Arrow Video is coming to the US. Quote:
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Interesting. Whilst rights will surely be an issue on many of their existing titles (as they themselves allude to) I really hope that this doesn't slow their UK operation in any way, and that release date delays are not even more of an issue as they are already. I guess with them getting a foot-hold in the USA, this may see them potentially acquire more titles (being able to make deals with US rights holders) and release titles region free, what with having an operation in both region A & B land. |
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Well I certainly wish them luck, I hope they don't go the way of Severin in the UK or worse still NoShame.
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