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Old 13th October 2014, 11:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs View Post
I wonder if Arrow's Nekromantik will have this fine artwork like the recent US release.
The box will have new artwork by Gilles Vranckx, but it hasn't been shown yet.
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Old 15th October 2014, 09:04 AM
Cultist on the Rampage
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So has anyone received their copy of Rabid Dogs yet? Arrow are apparently now shipping.
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Old 15th October 2014, 09:10 AM
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Originally Posted by JAMIOUSE View Post
So has anyone received their copy of Rabid Dogs yet? Arrow are apparently now shipping.
Arrow sent mine on Monday, so it will hopefully arrive today.
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Old 15th October 2014, 07:01 PM
Cultist on the Rampage
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No sign of mine today, I do hope their fullfilling orders properly this time unlike The Burbs. At the moment I'm more intrigued to find out what the 'surprise' is at the back of the booklet. I'm guessing lots of unannounced titles bewtween November and May.

Last edited by JAMIOUSE; 15th October 2014 at 09:53 PM.
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Old 15th October 2014, 09:44 PM
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Had a look at the super 8 version of the incredible melting man on arrow's recent release and thought they had just stuck the old vipco transfer on
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Old 16th October 2014, 05:57 AM
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Originally Posted by plasterface View Post
Had a look at the super 8 version of the incredible melting man on arrow's recent release and thought they had just stuck the old vipco transfer on

It really was sourced from an actual Super 8 print! I didn't have that edition, but I had half a dozen other cut-down features, and the look was all too familiar.
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Old 16th October 2014, 06:18 AM
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A forums user posted this:

"My original post addressed the Arrow version of Shivers missing two scenes when compared to the Image dvd release. A further comparison has revealed an approximate additional 9 seconds that are missing on the Arrow release. They are as follows:

1. 8:20 Timecode of Arrow release: Approximately 3 seconds are missing showing research scientist Hobbes' thumb sliding down the teenage girl's side and blood pouring out of her body.

2. 9:27--9:33 Timecode of Arrow release: Approximately 2 seconds are missing during the scene of Hobbes slashing his own throat. The Arrow version cuts the scene short by about 2 seconds as Hobbes is shown slashing more of his throat in the Image dvd.

3. 56:30 Timecode of Arrow release: After Roger has hit the guy with the crowbar there is a shot of the victim's bloody head on both versions. In the Image dvd the shot is slightly longer so that the crowbar is shown hitting the pavement. The Arrow version shows this shot for a fraction of a second. The Image version makes the scene last about 1 second or slightly longer than 1 second.

4. 1:14:54 Timeode of Arrow release: In my original post I missed an additional scene that had its beginning cut when Dr. Linsky is struggling with Tudor in Tudor's apartment kitchen. Before Tudor starts hitting Dr. Linsky with the wrench, the Arrow version has approximately 3 seconds missing where Dr. Linsky's bloody hands are pushing against Tudor's face.

The above amounts to about 9 seconds. Add to that the 4-5 seconds of parasites being taken off of Dr. Linsky's face and shoved back into Tudor's mouth (in my original post), plus the "Get off me" scene mentioned in my original post (which I later found out is actually an additional 4 seconds) and you have as much as 18 seconds missing from the Arrow release when compared to the Image dvd. "

This is not good at all
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Old 16th October 2014, 10:35 AM
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Why can´t they just check if a transfer is fully uncut or not BEFORE putting it on the damn disc?? It would save them from a lot of trouble...

Glad I didn´t pre-order, and I hope Arrow can offer replacements in a near future. If the cut footage isn´t avalible in HD, they should just splice in that footage from an upscaled SD source. I rather have a drop in quality, during those seconds, than having a cut version.
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Old 16th October 2014, 11:22 AM
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Originally Posted by Steel76 View Post
Why can´t they just check if a transfer is fully uncut or not BEFORE putting it on the damn disc?? It would save them from a lot of trouble...

Glad I didn´t pre-order, and I hope Arrow can offer replacements in a near future. If the cut footage isn´t avalible in HD, they should just splice in that footage from an upscaled SD source. I rather have a drop in quality, during those seconds, than having a cut version.
Because it was the brand new restoration they were given by TIFF and I imagine TIFF were trustworthy at the time, not to mention David Cronenberg probably gave it the thumbs up as well.

But yes, a double check with an old DVD is always a good idea, and it's such a shame that with a release as big as this, that this happens.

None the less, the second the steelbook is in a sale I'll be picking it up. Not sure how fussed I am over the cuts, even if they are to violence.
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Old 16th October 2014, 11:39 AM
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Originally Posted by fuzzymctiger View Post
Because it was the brand new restoration they were given by TIFF and I imagine TIFF were trustworthy at the time, not to mention David Cronenberg probably gave it the thumbs up as well.
Yes, you're right, but whose problem is that? The customers' or Arrow Video's? Arrow's of course. Do they have to give a reasonable solution to this issue instead of "we used what we had been given to" ? Yes, they do. We have paid for a movie that turns out to be cut. Had we known it was cut we wouldn't have bought it. And why no info about the cuts is on the product's description page on several online stores including Arrow Shop is a mystery to me.
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