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Old 18th October 2012, 12:54 AM
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Originally Posted by ArrowFan View Post
Quality of films being released at the moment really hits me as a big one.
Are you saying Arrow put out rubbish films? Then why are you here?

I think Arrow have put out a fine selection of titles that certainly 'hit the spot' for me. Scream seem to focusing more on American horror movies whereas Arrow's stock-in-trade has mostly been Euro-Horror, which is what floats my boat, as it were. Each to their own. But please, I hardly think Scream! Factory are saviours of the horror universe. They put out good product, no doubt about it, but I'd hardly call Arrow's output rubbish. Also, to put things into perspective, Scream! Factory are dealing with major studios and as such have access to top quality source materials and masters. Arrow are dealing with European licensors, materials are harder to find (especially good ones) and have a harder job on their hands than Scream! Factory will ever have. In some instances Arrow have actually had HD masters specially prepared for them, Scream! Factory will undoubtedly just be handed an HD master direct from the major studios, so no work involved. Just a thought.
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Old 18th October 2012, 01:51 AM
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Originally Posted by Daemonia View Post
Are you saying Arrow put out rubbish films? Then why are you here?

I think Arrow have put out a fine selection of titles that certainly 'hit the spot' for me. Scream seem to focusing more on American horror movies whereas Arrow's stock-in-trade has mostly been Euro-Horror, which is what floats my boat, as it were. Each to their own. But please, I hardly think Scream! Factory are saviours of the horror universe. They put out good product, no doubt about it, but I'd hardly call Arrow's output rubbish. Also, to put things into perspective, Scream! Factory are dealing with major studios and as such have access to top quality source materials and masters. Arrow are dealing with European licensors, materials are harder to find (especially good ones) and have a harder job on their hands than Scream! Factory will ever have. In some instances Arrow have actually had HD masters specially prepared for them, Scream! Factory will undoubtedly just be handed an HD master direct from the major studios, so no work involved. Just a thought.
You really take my comments personally. Its my opinion.

look you said they deal a lot with European licensing and trust me I feel there pain but when they put out things that belong more in the Shameless category and then put out products that are readily available..and yes you can easily get Troma over there as well, then yes I will stand up with the megaphone and say Bull. Not to you..but to them.
I don't doubt the work that Arrow puts into there releases but don't be as presumptious as to assume that Scream Factory just haphazardly slaps out there stuff either cause thats BS. I am sure nothing is handed to either company.

As for Arrows so-called focus on Euro-horror, I wish they did that but last time I checked Troma and Christmas Evil are not Euro-Horror.

Everything you say is true about the earlier Arrow releases but not now. I am a big fan of the earlier Arrow releases.

Its all about opinion and perspective. If Toxic Avenger and Tromeo and Juilette are two of there next big releases than both you and I should have a problem because neither is the focus on Euro-horror or hard to get films that you just became so excited about.

Right now Scream Factory has been putting out suff thats been on my wish list for years, and before that Shout did the same, and so did Arrow. I'm not a blind follower though if something seems bad I'm gonna say it.

Don't doubt my validity on the site because I'm not in love with the product at the moment. The right release could have me touting Arrow again, which is what I wish I could do. the more companies putting out superior product the more choices I have and the more my collection of dvds grow.

Try not to take it so personally. Chill out, I have nothing against you but I kinda think I'm rubbing you the wrong way and its not intended. I'm always going to give my honest opinion.
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Old 18th October 2012, 03:40 AM
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Originally Posted by ArrowFan View Post
Lol..neither of those films are in dire need of a blu ray.

If Arrow wants to give us what we can already get just as good from the actual source than let them publish the Tromas as a distinct label and not part of there big releases.

Aside from Christmas Evil and the ZFE(which isn't for everyone) they have, IMHO, really been dropping the ball. There is so much out there that hasn't been released or has been released barebones that we don't need them wasting time and finances that could go elsewhere.

I love Troma, but I buy my stuff directly from them. I doubt Arrow will ever get a cent from me or anyone I personally know from there Troma releases. I dropped over 400 on the Troma table this year, my money stays going directly in support of the company.

Now go out and get the special edition of Fathers Day along with the Astron-6 2 dvd set. That stuff rocks.

As for Arrow I expect more fun cult films and slasher like stuff out there.

As for the comparision to Scream Factory, I want every Blu that they are putting out right now as do all my friends. We've followed them from Rhino to Shout! Factory to Scream Factory.

I will support Arrow the same way when they start putting out things we dont already have.
But if they release Toxic Avenger on Blu Ray, that hasn't been released on that format, so that'd be a great release.

Really not a fan of all this Arrow/Troma deal bashing.
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Old 18th October 2012, 04:15 AM
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Why does no one criticise Scream Factory for putting out Halloween II or The Funhouse, 2 films already available in great HD releases?

Edit: I'm not saying you should but its a bit rich to criticise Arrow for putting out films already available when Scream Factory have done likewise.

People talk about releases as if the company owes you something. Don't like it? Don't buy it. It really is as simple as that.
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Old 18th October 2012, 04:31 AM
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Also can people try to remember NOT EVERYONE IMPORTS.

Just because we do doesn't mean everyone does and since a significant amount of sales come from the high street why shouldn't they strive to put out the best uk release of a film? I think I'm going to have "Don't like it? Don't buy it. And you are owed nothing" as my new signature in an attempt to discourage the same sort of tedious comments that accompany each release. There's no reason why people can't be disappointed with announcements (as I was for Wild Geese and Who Dares Wins, caring nothing for those films) but people's reactions and the whole "I already have that on region 1" comments miss the point in my opinion.

Now where's that insomnia thread...
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Old 18th October 2012, 04:37 AM
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Originally Posted by fuzzymctiger View Post
But if they release Toxic Avenger on Blu Ray, that hasn't been released on that format, so that'd be a great release.

Really not a fan of all this Arrow/Troma deal bashing.
Then that blu would be something unreleased. Not a problem there.

Sorry if you dont like my opinion but its that my opinion and it stands. I am a huge Troma fan and there films, last time I checked, are region free. As a smaller company I support from the source. Thats my stance and I stand by it.

Originally Posted by PaulD View Post
Why does no one criticise Scream Factory for putting out Halloween II or The Funhouse, 2 films already available in great HD releases?

Edit: I'm not saying you should but its a bit rich to criticise Arrow for putting out films already available when Scream Factory have done likewise.

People talk about releases as if the company owes you something. Don't like it? Don't buy it. It really is as simple as that.
You could make a case there but for me I wanted the halloween 2 release. Loseless audio, actual features dealing with the film. Thats a signifigant difference.

The only HD version of the Funhouse I can think of is the arrow release which goes back to exactly what the arguement for some of the other was. Accessibility and the addition of a Tobe Hooper commentary.(for me a HUGE deal)

I give my opinion and I stand by it. If you wanna disagree thats fine but don't just call it random bashing because its not and I have always backed up everything i said with why I said it.

I think some people here are taking this way to personally.
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Old 18th October 2012, 04:49 AM
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I'm not taking it personally at all, just think there are flaws in your stance. I don't really see how Arrows The Funhouse was more hard to come by than any other film to be honest but if you're saying that the commentary justifies the release then fair enough. I know that the exclusive extras on the Arrow releases do likewise for a lot of people on here though.

And, just to reiterate not everyone imports so there are always going to be people out there who will want to purchase these releases.
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Old 18th October 2012, 04:59 AM
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Originally Posted by PaulD View Post
I'm not taking it personally at all, just think there are flaws in your stance. I don't really see how Arrows The Funhouse was more hard to come by than any other film to be honest but if you're saying that the commentary justifies the release then fair enough. I know that the exclusive extras on the Arrow releases do likewise for a lot of people on here though.

And, just to reiterate not everyone imports so there are always going to be people out there who will want to purchase these releases.
Personally I am double dipping.(I have Arrows release of Funhouse)

I just think that they could be working on bringing more genre titles out there. I definitely get where you are coming from though.

If I come of as a little thin-skinned right now..and I apologize if I do its because I just give my opinion. I get excited when new genre things come out and i support them all. Without excluding the others.

I hate when people accuse me of not liking the company cause I disagreed with the recent releases. Especially since I am not from over there and I import my dvds in. People don't see Arrow video in stores here. I personally told fans about the company. You have no idea how many collectors went and ordered Arrow dvds after seeing my modest collection of

I took it to a convention and made Jeffrey Coombs aware of the company. So you can imagine my frustration when people attack me for just being a genre fan and say I don't support Arrow because i don't just financial support r talk on here but I am out trying to expose more to the product. I am a genuine genre dvd enthusiast.

Theres a new company out doing movies that would appeal to the board and i share my excitement of that with them because its like-minded fans sharing what they love.

Arrow releases Silent Night Deadly Night 2 and I am on here praising again and saying what I always say. My opinion because I love the genre and I love collecting genre films.
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Old 18th October 2012, 05:22 AM
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Plus, in response to them bringing out more genre titles I'd say the 2 upcoming Dallamano films certainly fit that description.

I hope they don't announce Silent Night Deadly Night 2 (not Euro horror like Christmas Evil and Troma incidentally) though; bloody awful film!
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Old 18th October 2012, 05:36 AM
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I intentially balked at the Dallamano's but after doing research am definitely getting them.

I can't help it..yes SNDN2 is horrible crap but its like an addiction..I need it on dvd with as many features as Plus after seeing what Arrow did with Christmas Evil I really want them doing it.
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