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Old 25th September 2015, 05:21 PM
Justin101's Avatar
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Sorry I meant the one in the picture on the advert

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Old 25th September 2015, 06:33 PM
Stephen@Cult Labs's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Justin101 View Post
Sorry I meant the one in the picture on the advert

Ah right, I get you now.
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Old 26th September 2015, 07:22 PM
Susan Foreman's Avatar
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From FaceBook:

"We recently sat down with Jasper Sharp to film some pieces for a very exciting collection that will be released next year! One hint… Nikkatsu."
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Old 26th September 2015, 09:56 PM
Nosferatu@Cult Labs's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Susan Foreman View Post
From FaceBook:

"We recently sat down with Jasper Sharp to film some pieces for a very exciting collection that will be released next year! One hint… Nikkatsu."
That must be the Yakuza Papers: Battles Without Honor or Humanity collection.

This is the start of his profile at BFI:

Jasper Sharp is a writer and curator specialising in Japanese cinema and the co-editor of the website Midnight Eye. His books include Behind the Pink Curtain (2008) and The Historical Dictionary of Japanese Cinema (2011).
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Old 27th September 2015, 07:59 AM
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Film @ The Digital Fix - Zardoz

"Like a number of contributors featured in the supporting material on this disc, I came back to Zardoz somewhat conditioned by the negative commentary that habitually accompanies the film as a lesser offering in the careers of both John Boorman and Sean Connery. However after a repeat viewing I demur; hats off to Arrow for this fine presentation, drawing together an extensive collection of supplementary features providing a fresh appreciation of this brave, flawed gem of the science-fiction genre."

Film 7.0
Video 8.0
Audio 8.0
Extras 8.0
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Old 27th September 2015, 04:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Nosferatu@Cult Labs View Post
That must be the Yakuza Papers: Battles Without Honor or Humanity collection.

This is the start of his profile at BFI:

Jasper Sharp is a writer and curator specialising in Japanese cinema and the co-editor of the website Midnight Eye. His books include Behind the Pink Curtain (2008) and The Historical Dictionary of Japanese Cinema (2011).
Hmm... this has being going around in my head. I'm not so sure that it is about Battles's why.

First of all (I'm not definite here and willing to be told otherwise!) I don't think Battles was made by Nikkatsu Studios and Nikkatsu films are more known for their prolific Roman Porno era which lasted from 1971 to '86.

If it is Battles then why wouldn't Arrow just say so as most of the spec's are known already. Also it's due out this year...not next. Why "tease" that it's a "exciting project due out next year" if it's not?

I think Arrow have got a hold of some Nikkatsu titles, maybe from Synapse/Impulse pictures who have been releasing them in the States for a couple of years now. They have just released #24, Sexual Assault in a Hotel. Don May Jr has also said that they have got the go ahead to release around 25 more titles over the next few years. I don't think we'll get the more extreme titles but stuff like Fairy in a Cage might get passed...
Just a thought.
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Old 27th September 2015, 04:38 PM
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A Nikkatsu Roman Porno box set would be most welcome.
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Old 27th September 2015, 05:28 PM
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Originally Posted by Boo Radley View Post
Hmm... this has being going around in my head. I'm not so sure that it is about Battles's why.

First of all (I'm not definite here and willing to be told otherwise!) I don't think Battles was made by Nikkatsu Studios and Nikkatsu films are more known for their prolific Roman Porno era which lasted from 1971 to '86.

If it is Battles then why wouldn't Arrow just say so as most of the spec's are known already. Also it's due out this year...not next. Why "tease" that it's a "exciting project due out next year" if it's not?

I think Arrow have got a hold of some Nikkatsu titles, maybe from Synapse/Impulse pictures who have been releasing them in the States for a couple of years now. They have just released #24, Sexual Assault in a Hotel. Don May Jr has also said that they have got the go ahead to release around 25 more titles over the next few years. I don't think we'll get the more extreme titles but stuff like Fairy in a Cage might get passed...
Just a thought.
Plus, they have released Retaliation and Branded to Kill, so seem to have a thing going with Nikkatsu at the moment, which looks like it's going to continue into next year.

I didn't think about that when I posted and assumed it was something additional for the Battles without Honor and Humanity collection.
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Old 28th September 2015, 02:12 PM
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We are very sorry to have to inform you of more date revisions. Manufacturing deadlines have become shorter in the lead up to Christmas and some of our larger projects have required extra work, further extras acquisitions and increased book lengths (for example our Rivette set has increased to a 200-page hard back book and Hellraiser will have some exciting new additions which will be revealed this week!) These changes have created a domino effect on our schedule and as such in the new year we will take a new course of action to remove any delays. The revised release dates are as follows:

Edgar Allan Poe’s Black Cats – 19th October (UK) 27th October (US)
Thieves’ Highway – 19th October
Closely Observed Trains – 26th October
Tenderness of the Wolves – 2nd November (UK) 3rd November (US)
Kiju Yoshida: Love +Anarchism - – 2nd November
Nekromantik 2 - 16th November
Blood Rage – 23rd November (UK) 24th November (US)
The Mutilator – 30th November (UK) 1st December (US)
And, if you missed it last week, Deep Red is now set to be released – 7th December.

We hope you’ll bear with us in the lead up to Christmas but as ever our commitment to quality will ensure all releases will eventually be delivered to the highest standard. As always, direct orders from the Arrow store are expected to ship prior to these new dates."
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Old 28th September 2015, 03:17 PM
J Harker's Avatar
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Floor those interested this is currently down to £72 for preorder at Amazon.

Edit- I was sure this was £149 on Arrows store.

Last edited by J Harker; 28th September 2015 at 08:51 PM.
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