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Old 2nd October 2015, 09:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Rik View Post
Yeah, everything I've read about it for years led me to believe it wasn't even filmed, including Doug himself confirming this on numerous occasions, so it's probably a dodgy ultra low quality camcorder clip that someone on set filmed

Yeah, that's what everyone thought. Looking forward to it though.
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Old 2nd October 2015, 09:54 PM
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Hellraiser 2 is abysmal in my opinion. Everything that made the original a very good film was non-existent, a overblown and poorly paced, confusing gory mess.

Last edited by Buboven; 2nd October 2015 at 10:59 PM.
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Old 2nd October 2015, 10:04 PM
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If I'm curt with you it's because time is a factor. I think fast, I talk fast and I need you guys to act fast if you wanna get out of this. So, pretty please... with sugar on top. Clean the ****ing car!
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Old 2nd October 2015, 11:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Buboven View Post
Hellraiser 2 is abysmal in my opinion. Everything that made the original a very good film was non-existent, a overblown and poorly paced, confusing gory mess.
Get out.
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Old 3rd October 2015, 08:09 AM
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Originally Posted by Buboven View Post
Hellraiser 2 is abysmal in my opinion. Everything that made the original a very good film was non-existent, a overblown and poorly paced, confusing gory mess.
Really surprised a fan if the first wouldn't like the second. Kenneth Cranham's Doctor brought new and welcome levels of darkness and sickness imo. Certainly the first half of the film is the best as we learn what the Doctor is up to etc. Hellraiser III onwards start to get a bit shit though admittedly.
I was busy pushing bodies around as you well know and what would a note say, Dan? "Cat dead, details later"?
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Old 3rd October 2015, 11:18 AM
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Sorry guys but I didn't like part 3, reading about it I expected the film to be more apocalyptic, you know hell on earth. There's some good ideas but in the end they were trying to make a Freddy/Chucky type film when the previous films weren't like that.

Not interested in Arrow's current line-up.

To be honest my interest in these cult releasing companies is fading. I think it's because most of the films I wanted to see collector's editions of, have already been released, are with companies that don't license (lionsgate for starters) or have gone to companies that don't do special features (god I hate 101 films).

Anyone else feel this way?
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Old 3rd October 2015, 11:32 AM
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Originally Posted by will graham View Post
Sorry guys but I didn't like part 3, reading about it I expected the film to be more apocalyptic, you know hell on earth. There's some good ideas but in the end they were trying to make a Freddy/Chucky type film when the previous films weren't like that.

Not interested in Arrow's current line-up.

To be honest my interest in these cult releasing companies is fading. I think it's because most of the films I wanted to see collector's editions of, have already been released, are with companies that don't license (lionsgate for starters) or have gone to companies that don't do special features (god I hate 101 films).

Anyone else feel this way?
No. I'm completely the opposite! Although Arrow are releasing a few things I'm not really in to, others are stepping up to the plate and hitting it out of the park. In just the last week or so I've bought shitloads and over the course of this year I have spent more on films than the last two years put together.

It comes down to what floats your boat. I might look at a release like Thundercrack! and get all excited while to others it's a pile of poo. I do like extra's but if I want a film and the only release is bare bones then that doesn't bother me much. Which is why I probably double/treble dip a lot!!

I think this year has been outstanding for genre fans but my missus would prefer it if they slowed down a bit. Me, I'm in my element !
"Why did they have to go and cut her for?" "She could have been used two, maybe three more times!"
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Old 3rd October 2015, 12:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Rik View Post
Yeah, but when you make a joke on Facebook about some of their fans, you get accused of being Xenophobic ha ha
All I said was their Pokemon fans will surely lap up these releases like everything else they put out i.e Gotta Catch Em All! Some people really need to leave the house and meet real people from time to time!
Tell me about it, i work with one lad he 100% puddled and living in a virtual world.
He one of these he never makes sense and you can never understand what he saying or rambling on about, but its never to do with what the conv going on.
He once come into work and he was quiet but in a angry mood and looked like he was ready to cry.
I tried on sev attempts to ask whats wrong to be met with some nonsense rambling, first one was about £800,
2nd nonsense was on about a dragon i said for **** sake what are you on about you are making no bloody sense what so ever.
Eventualy it turned out he was playing a game bought a dragon for £800 (virtual money) by accident, his dragon got killed in its first fight so he was angry and anoyyed at the dragon and thinks he should have his £800 back because he didnt want it in the first place.
He was virtual in tears and he was extremely angry and fuming.

Another time he come into work and complain him and gfriend had split.
Everyone was baffled he hasnt or had a girlfriend so i tried digging deeper.
He been speaking to some lass in france and had been seing each other for ages and now split.
I replied eh hang on you never met, i know he replied, i said if u never met her, you never seen her never kissed her how can that be classed as a relationship, he said ive seen her on webcam we sent each other kisses etc etc no matter what i said i just couldnt through to him.
So i replied well fook me im must be a bad boyfriend and cheat, he asked why i replied well ive been speaking to several women on net from all over the world and i fancy a few of them i feel dead guilty now.
He didnt realise i was being sarcastic.
This is what we have to put up with him everytime were at work.
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Old 3rd October 2015, 03:55 PM
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Only seen the first Hellraiser film and snippets of the second. Im sure scorpio from Dirty Harry fame had a part in the first one.
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Old 3rd October 2015, 05:41 PM
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Originally Posted by davcol View Post
Only seen the first Hellraiser film and snippets of the second. Im sure scorpio from Dirty Harry fame had a part in the first one.
He he...he sure did, he was pretty integral...provided the first drops of blood for brother Frank (who was played by the same guy that appears in that revolting potting shed scene in Scum)
keirarts and davcol like this.
I was busy pushing bodies around as you well know and what would a note say, Dan? "Cat dead, details later"?
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