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Old 4th November 2024, 09:21 AM
Susan Foreman's Avatar
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During the opening banter section of the episode 'The Nexus Of Truth', Alex was shown to have an e-mail address on the back of his jacket - - so obviously I wrote to it

I received an automated response stating "Thanks for your message to We take your interest seriously. But we are currently working on Series 19 of Taskmaster so we have to go now bye."

Anyway, it seems that the 5 sets of letters at the starts of the address - FEG / JM / MB / RR / SM - *could* be the initials of the contestants who will either be in the 2025 edition of 'The New Year Treat' or in the upcoming 19th Series of the show

Top of my head, I cannot think of any comedians with those initials tho !!
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Old 4th November 2024, 11:22 AM
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I didn't pay any attention to that email address, but you're probably right that those initials are those of the contestants in the next series. Like you, I can't think of who they could be either. Mind you, if it's like the last few series, I'll have only heard of a couple of contestants beforehand anyway.
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Old 9th November 2024, 12:03 PM
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Lucy Mangan at The Guardian is very impressed with Junior Taskmaster:

The original Taskmaster is already a miracle of construction, its success balanced on a razor's edge. It relies on the perfect, unforced chemistry between its hosts (Greg Davies and Alex Horne - the latter also the show's creator), an array of tasks that allow for blinding success, abject failure, deep misinterpretation and moments of genius as participants compete for prizes they have themselves brought in (the low stakes are a vital part of its workings), and the procuring of five celebrities - usually comedians - per series who can take it seriously enough to be funny but lightly enough not to bog the whole absurd confection down.

In this they have succeeded magnificently for 18 series (and seven specials). Messing with perfection is rarely to be welcomed, and especially not when it involves the introduction of children. And so it is with astonishment as great as my joy and relief to report that the spinoff Junior Taskmaster, in which the competitors are all aged between about nine and 12 (please don't make me use the word "tweenagers") is a triumph.

Comedian and actor Rose Matafeo takes the Davies role as main presenter with writer, comedian and former doctor Mike Wozniak as her sidekick, and their chemistry matches the original pair's. She brings ebullience and warmth, he brings a deadpan approach and the air of bafflement that an Edwardian father might carry at a child's birthday party. They both bring support to the children without coddling, an unerring ability to judge just how much ribbing the youngsters can take, and when to let them manage the banter among themselves. It's like a non-fiction version of Outnumbered.


Mike's catchphrase as the overseer of the contests emerges as "All the information's in the task". In the second episode, tiny, bubble-curled Maisie asks him with curiosity: "Is this what you've been paid to do?"

It is, and thank goodness. What could have been cringemaking, an exquisite agony to watch, is instead hilarious, charming and a fine piece of entertainment for all the family. The outcome of the mashed potato round, however, was wildly unfair. My inner 10-year-old demands a replay.
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Old 9th November 2024, 12:56 PM
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The contestants obviously came from acting schools and were able to play to the camera and audience without getting angry when they didn't win the tasks.

I also liked the fact that Rose and Mike didn't 'go easy' on them, and the contestants were disqualified if they broken the rules - stepping on the 'Red Green'
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Old 15th November 2024, 03:22 PM
Susan Foreman's Avatar
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The line-up for the 2025 edition of New Year's Treat has been announced:

"The fifth annual edition of Taskmaster's New Year Treat will once again see an eclectic mix of celebrities battle it out, with the contestants this time including Money Saving Expert and ITV host Martin Lewis and Royle Family star Sue Johnston - who at the age of 80 becomes the oldest star in the show's history.

Also in the line-up are former England and Liverpool goalkeeper David James, mathematician, science presenter and academic Professor Hannah Fry and singer-songwriter and All Saints star Melanie Blatt."

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Old 16th November 2024, 08:37 PM
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That?s a good lineup for a one off special, though I'd be happier if they were unveiled as the contestants for the next full series.

I have just watched the last episode in the 18th series and am sad it's over, but happy to have been so thoroughly entertained over the last 10 weeks. Ill probably watch the first Junior Taskmaster episode tomorrow.
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Old 3rd December 2024, 03:51 PM
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The Taskmaster 'New Year Treat' is scheduled to be broadcast on CH4 on Sunday 29th December at 9pm
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Old 22nd January 2025, 07:41 PM
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The line-up for series 19 has been announced. Joining Greg and Alex are:

Matthew Baynton (Ghosts and Horrible Histories)
Jason Mantzoukas (American comedian)
Rosie Ramsey (co-host of the podcast Shagged, Married, Annoyed,)
Fatiha El-Ghorri (Comedian)
Stevie Martin (Comedian)

Channel 4 has confirmed that the new series will be airing soon

People try to put us down
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Golly, Gee! it's wrong to be so guilty
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Old 31st January 2025, 10:19 AM
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I only know a couple of those contestants so, as usual, will be emotionally invested in those I know while enjoying the escapades of those I don't as I get to know them better.
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Old 31st January 2025, 09:00 PM
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This is a useful discussion about the contestants in the new series in terms of why you might know them and who is likely to do well

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