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Old 16th November 2015, 03:16 PM
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Fear The Walking Dead. A slow start. But then they did the same with TWD, so roll on more sez I!!

Heroes Reborn. For my sins I did like Heroes. and I was reasonably pleased with this, set 10 years after the events of well, the cancelled series, Noah Bennent tries to piece together the aftermath of a terrorist attack on a summit for humans and "evos" (Evolved humans....). Some new characters, and glimpses of old ones. More please.

Scream Queens. Gossip Girl with knives. SOLD!!! Plus no 5 is cute haha. Trash TV for people who can't bring themselves to watch TOWIE et al. JLC seems to be having a hoot with the h-a-c-k-n-e-y-e-d dialogue, and looks sexier than the lead actress who I want to exsanguinate haha.

Ash Vs Evil Dead. SOLD.

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Old 16th November 2015, 04:34 PM
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I watched the third episode of Ash Vs ED earlier, still loving it

Also got my audio engineer geek head on after the latest episode of The Walking Dead, when people watch it, they'll understand why (can't say anymore without ruining it for people)
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If I'm curt with you it's because time is a factor. I think fast, I talk fast and I need you guys to act fast if you wanna get out of this. So, pretty please... with sugar on top. Clean the ****ing car!
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Old 16th November 2015, 10:47 PM
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I finally finished Breaking Bad over the weekend. Everyone who has seen it says its the best TV they have ever seen and i agree its a great show but ( prepare to me murdered) to me its extremely overrated. Everytime i felt the show was about to explode or Walt was about to take that final step over the line into greatness something would hold him back and reel him in. Its hard to explain it just felt like something was stopping the show or holding it back im sure its just me .

As i said i did really enjoy it there are some great characters Walt , Saul , Mike , Badger and Skinny Pete were always great when they were on screen. The whole way through i was kept on the edge on my seat and i would recommend it to anyone but im sure most people have already seen it. I know there are a few here who have not and id say give it a shot.

Great viewing YES
Best show every NO (not for me)
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Old 16th November 2015, 11:56 PM
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Originally Posted by Nordicdusk View Post
I finally finished Breaking Bad over the weekend. Everyone who has seen it says its the best TV they have ever seen and i agree its a great show but ( prepare to me murdered) to me its extremely overrated. Everytime i felt the show was about to explode or Walt was about to take that final step over the line into greatness something would hold him back and reel him in. Its hard to explain it just felt like something was stopping the show or holding it back im sure its just me .

As i said i did really enjoy it there are some great characters Walt , Saul , Mike , Badger and Skinny Pete were always great when they were on screen. The whole way through i was kept on the edge on my seat and i would recommend it to anyone but im sure most people have already seen it. I know there are a few here who have not and id say give it a shot.

Great viewing YES
Best show every NO (not for me)
Like you, I enjoyed Breaking Bad, but it wouldn't make my top ten or anything.
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Old 17th November 2015, 10:17 AM
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Originally Posted by Nordicdusk View Post
I finally finished Breaking Bad over the weekend. Everyone who has seen it says its the best TV they have ever seen and i agree its a great show but ( prepare to me murdered) to me its extremely overrated. Everytime i felt the show was about to explode or Walt was about to take that final step over the line into greatness something would hold him back and reel him in. Its hard to explain it just felt like something was stopping the show or holding it back im sure its just me .

As i said i did really enjoy it there are some great characters Walt , Saul , Mike , Badger and Skinny Pete were always great when they were on screen. The whole way through i was kept on the edge on my seat and i would recommend it to anyone but im sure most people have already seen it. I know there are a few here who have not and id say give it a shot.

Great viewing YES
Best show every NO (not for me)
I find it very easy to determine what the best show ever is -

Is the show called The Wire?

No? Then it isn't the best show ever.
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Old 18th November 2015, 01:49 AM
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I put The Wire on once, lasted about 5 mins before deciding i was completely uninterested. Do i need to persist?
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Old 18th November 2015, 09:20 AM
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Originally Posted by J Harker View Post
I put The Wire on once, lasted about 5 mins before deciding i was completely uninterested. Do i need to persist?
Definitely. It's a show where many aspects are introduced and gradually tie together during the first half of the season so they mean more in the last five episodes. You also have the political aspect to policing, with the senior police wanting promotions and doing what they have to to earn them, so that bit is part of the narrative through all five seasons, each of which has a different case.
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Old 18th November 2015, 04:56 PM
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Watched Season One of The Wire. Right now, I'm four episodes in of Season Two. Brilliant TV from HBO. Definitely the highlight of my weekend viewing.
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Old 18th November 2015, 06:21 PM
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Old 18th November 2015, 08:28 PM
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Finished season five of supernatural and the last episode was the perfect ending to the show ( apart from the last scene which reading online was added to keep it open) . Be interesting to see what the next seasons are like but when it does end I don't think they will better this ending for the show.

Reading up a bit more it look like the show takes a bit of a nosedive after this season and it's just a case of the network milking the show, I'll continue watching but I have the feeling it will never reach the heights of the first five seasons or the near perfect ending
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