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Old 16th September 2016, 03:10 PM
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Originally Posted by Susan Foreman View Post
If he spoke to me the same way he did to that the spectacled chap with the twitchy foot, I'd probably call him a c**t as well. What a horrible, manipulative, exploitative individual.
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Old 16th September 2016, 03:39 PM
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Default Lost Sitcoms

Now this was more like it,instead of those re-imagining of sitcoms the Beeb did,( and what a balls up they were) We have three remakes of episodes which were lost in the archives or in the case of Winters Tale is only available as a rather poor B/w copy.

Till Death Us Do Part: A Woman's Place Is In The Home.
Simon Day does a marvelous job of being Alf Garnett,based on a surviving script by Johnny Speight,of course all the comedy snobs have condemned it,but Day does a good job at showing what a idiot the character is,not laugh out funny but solid performances.And the rest of the cast were good.

Hancock's Half Hour: The New Neighbour
Kevin McNally is no stranger at portraying Hancock,as he has made two series of The Missing Hancock scripts for radio.Its probably the best portrayal your ever gonna get simply sublime.Jon Culshaw as Sid James was
ok in parts,but im not sure he nailed the voice. Robin Sebastian as Kenneth Williams was excellent,the voice and mannerisms were spot on.Katy Wix as Hattie Jacques was wasted and had little to do.Again this was original script by Galton and Simpson.

Steptoe And Son: A Winter's Tale
Another Ray Galton and Alan Simpson script,the episode is still available but only as a copy,due to those dimwits at the bbc wiping tapes to save money.
Albert Steptoe was played by Jeff Rawle and Ed Coleman was Harold Steptoe,both were very good,not doing impersonations as such,they managed to give the script a new burst of life,probably the best of the three.
Your never going to catch what ever magic that was filmed at the time but these were good attempts.
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Always forgive your enemies, nothing annoys them so much..

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Old 16th September 2016, 05:34 PM
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Finished the first series of The Mentalist, which was generally excellent and started on series 2, which i can tell has a slightly different tone to it already. I hope i like it just as much - sometimes you don't need to freshen a series up.
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Old 17th September 2016, 07:23 PM
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Watching first episode of american horror story which I enjoyed but not so keen on the documentary style of filming for this season
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Old 18th September 2016, 12:27 AM
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Old 18th September 2016, 01:12 PM
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Finally finished Twin Peaks last night. What a frustrating show, some great characters and performances, my favourite being Lynch himself as Kyle McClachlans boss, a fab setting oozing with atmosphere. But just too damn odd and disjointed for its own good. Plus there's a saggy arse midsection that was a bit if a chore to get through and nearly had me giving up. Disappointing ending too but I'm assuming it was meant to be taken up with a third season. On the plus side Sherilyn Fenn, Lara Flynn Boyle, Madchen Amick, Sheryl Lee and Heather Graham...oh my...
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Old 21st September 2016, 08:04 AM
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The Bill: Streetwise. The eternally obnoxious (in the most entertaining way) DC Rod Skase crashes out of the series in decidedly inglorious fashion in this dramatic episode. When a young boy, whose mother is dating a violent crook who has just intimidated a witness out of testifying against him, disappears, Rod is determined to nail the criminal for the crime and bends the evidence to point in his direction - with truly disastrous consequences. It's a sorry end for a great character, and the first in a number of crushing departures in the 2000 season. It's a great episode, although the bizarre direction - which eschews the normal style in favour of a bizarre NYPD Blue emulation with the camera peering through blinds and bobbing around all over the place - gets real irritating real quick.
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Old 21st September 2016, 11:30 AM
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Originally Posted by Inspector Abberline View Post
Now this was more like it,instead of those re-imagining of sitcoms the Beeb did,( and what a balls up they were) We have three remakes of episodes which were lost in the archives or in the case of Winters Tale is only available as a rather poor B/w copy.

Till Death Us Do Part: A Woman's Place Is In The Home.
Simon Day does a marvelous job of being Alf Garnett,based on a surviving script by Johnny Speight,of course all the comedy snobs have condemned it,but Day does a good job at showing what a idiot the character is,not laugh out funny but solid performances.And the rest of the cast were good.

Hancock's Half Hour: The New Neighbour
Kevin McNally is no stranger at portraying Hancock,as he has made two series of The Missing Hancock scripts for radio.Its probably the best portrayal your ever gonna get simply sublime.Jon Culshaw as Sid James was
ok in parts,but im not sure he nailed the voice. Robin Sebastian as Kenneth Williams was excellent,the voice and mannerisms were spot on.Katy Wix as Hattie Jacques was wasted and had little to do.Again this was original script by Galton and Simpson.

Steptoe And Son: A Winter's Tale
Another Ray Galton and Alan Simpson script,the episode is still available but only as a copy,due to those dimwits at the bbc wiping tapes to save money.
Albert Steptoe was played by Jeff Rawle and Ed Coleman was Harold Steptoe,both were very good,not doing impersonations as such,they managed to give the script a new burst of life,probably the best of the three.
Your never going to catch what ever magic that was filmed at the time but these were good attempts.
Have to disagree about the Hancocks, I felt that the "impersonation" of KW was HIGHLY insulting.

And breathe. Watched It Was Alright In The 70s last night, as I like a laugh, and am not a goldfish. Literally pantwettingly funny in places. White hetero men shitting themselves about those flaming pesky women and poofs and coons. And the bit about Punk was priceless. Recommended highly to those who are sane and remember the period. Unlike the racist twits I have to deal with on Book face.
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Old 21st September 2016, 11:36 AM
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Originally Posted by J Harker View Post
Finally finished Twin Peaks last night. What a frustrating show, some great characters and performances, my favourite being Lynch himself as Kyle McClachlans boss, a fab setting oozing with atmosphere. But just too damn odd and disjointed for its own good. Plus there's a saggy arse midsection that was a bit if a chore to get through and nearly had me giving up. Disappointing ending too but I'm assuming it was meant to be taken up with a third season. On the plus side Sherilyn Fenn, Lara Flynn Boyle, Madchen Amick, Sheryl Lee and Heather Graham...oh my...
You say disappointing, I say Greatest ending to a tv series ever...tied only with Sapphire & Steel. Sopranos be damned!!

"... the days ahead will be filled with struggle ... and coated in marzipan ... "[/B]
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Old 21st September 2016, 11:40 AM
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Originally Posted by Demoncrat View Post
You say disappointing, I say Greatest ending to a tv series ever...tied only with Sapphire & Steel.

That was one bizarre ending.

According to Hammond, David Collings would have got them out in the next series but it never happened.
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