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Old 15th June 2021, 06:36 PM
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The Big Bang Theory: Season 5.

The Skank Reflex Analysis
The gang try to move on after what happened with Penny and Raj, Penny contemplates moving back to Nebraska until she is offered a acting job in a commercial.

The Infestation Hypothesis
Leonard and Priya try the long distance relationship, giving them privacy Sheldon spends time with Penny and her new chair and gets upset as to where the chair came from.

The Pulled Groin Extrapolation
Leonard accompanies Amy to a wedding, while Howard and Bernadette talk about living together with Mrs Wolowitz.

The Wiggly Finger Catalyst
Penny sets up Raj with a friend who is deaf and a gold digger, Sheldon decides to make his life choices using a board game dice.

The Russian Rocket Reaction
The boys are invited to attend a party hosted by Will Wheaton, can Sheldon and Will mend their bridges? Howard is given a oppertunity to go the International SPace Station as a Payload specialist, which Bernadette tries to stop and involves Mrs Wolowitz.
(Guest Star Brent Spiner)

The Rhinitis Revelation
Mary Cooper comes to visit and spends time with the gang and not Sheldon, but eventually spends tome with Shekdon when he attends a lecture and is caught in the rain.

The Good Guy Fluctuation
Halloween time, Sheldon tries to get back at everyone who played a prank on him. Leobard meets a girl at the comic book shop, when he confesses to Priya she reveals something else.

The Isolation Permutation
Amy is upset when she learns Penny and Bernadette go bridesmaid dress shopping and turns to Sheldon for comfort and earns the names cuddles.

The Ornithophobia Diffusion
Sheldon tries his best to overcome his fear of birds that is successful, Penny and Leonard try to hang out as friends which leads to insults.

The Flaming Spittoon Acquisition
Amy goes on a date with Stuart which forces Sheldon to up his game and ask Amy to be his girlfriend, while the guys play a new wild west card came.

The Speckerman Recurrence
Leonard is contacting by Jimmy, his school bully, Penny realises she did her fare share of school bullying also.

The Shiny Trinket Maneuver
Sheldon shuns Amy with one of her accomplishments which forces him to buy her a gift. Howard and Bernadette try to move on after she admits she doesn't want children.

The Recombination Hypothesis
Leonard and Penny try dating again, and let the gang know they are just friends.

The Beta Test Initiation
Leonard and Penny try a solution to work on their re-started relationship. Raj finally meets a woman he can talk to without alcohol...Siri. Sheldon starts his own online show Fun With Flags.

The Friendship Contraction
Fed up of Sheldon and his rules, Leonard forces himself out of the room mate agreement and they become acquaintances. Howard is waiting for a call from Nasa and tries to think of a new nickname, thanks to Mrs Wolowitz he is called Fruitloops.

The Vacation Solution
President Siebert forces Sheldon to take a holiday, Siebert says Sheldon should go to Afghanistan, Sheldon decides to work with Amy that doesn't go well. Howard becomes upset when he hears that Bernadette's father wants Bernadette and Howard to sign a prenuptial agreement.

The Rothman Disintegration
Professor Rothman is forces to retire, Sheldon and Kripke fight for his office in a game of sports...which they are useless at. Amy gives Penny a gift, a painting of them both.

The Werewolf Transformation
Howard starts his astronaut training that does not go well..he was spooned by a Armadilo and ate a butterfly while camping outside. Sheldon is at a loss his usual barber is ill and looses control of everything.

The Weekend Vortex
The gang decide to have a weekend of Star Wars game, Amy is upset as Sheldon promised he would go with her to her Aunt's birthday party.

The Transporter Malfunction
Mr and Mrs Koothrappali set Raj up on a date who reveals a lot of secrets, Penny buys Sheldon and Leonard a keepsake collectable that Sheldon has a mishap with.
(Guest Star Leonard Nimoy: Voice Only)

The Hawking Excitation
Sheldon bellittles Howard again and he finds out Howard is working with Stephen Hawkings, Sheldon does jobs for Howard to make it up to him including dressing up as a maid.
(Guest Star Stephen Hawkings)

The Stag Convergence
It's the night of Howard's stag party and some secrets are revealed that are posted online that may halt the wedding, Howard has to do some groveling.

The Launch Acceleration
Nasa has cancelled the launch, Howard seems re-leaved, Penny takes things further with Leonard that he may have upset Penny.

The Countdown Reflection
The launch is back on which conflicts with Bernadette and Howard's wedding plans what will they do?

This had it's moments of being funny and somewhat dramatic at the same time, after this season Will Wheaton becomes a more prominent guest on the show with some more funny quirks, even Amy is showing uncomfortable thoughts about Penny after she her the painting. A lot of people in New Dehli seem to have the same thoughts about Raj which he strongly denies even his date brings up his quirks which are a bit funny.

" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"

Last edited by MrBarlow; 15th June 2021 at 06:58 PM.
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Old 17th June 2021, 04:30 PM
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Murder in the Car Park,
After this week's news reports I decided to check out last year's documentary about the Daniel Morgan case on 4 on demand.
It is a fascinating docu drama about murder, police corruption, press corruption and the lengths that the establishment will go to protect reputations at the expense of justice. Chilling stuff.
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Old 17th June 2021, 05:27 PM
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I'm watching a Canadian show called Heartland, about a family who look after horses on a ranch and it stars Amber Marshall from Resident Evil: Apocalypse
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Old 18th June 2021, 03:56 PM
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Over the past three or four nights, I watched Normal People, a drama series on iPlayer that was highly rated. It's not the best TV show I've seen on BBC this year, though it is one with exceptional performances and which I found to be interesting, occasionally funny, and often quite moving. The amount of sex and nudity is unusually high for a BBC drama series, though it never seems titillating or gratuitous.

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Old 19th June 2021, 07:00 PM
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The Big Bang Theory: Season 6

The Date Night Variable
Sheldon and Amy have date night with Raj that ends with him spending time with Leonard and Penny that doesn't go well. Howard on board the International space station has a arguement with Bernadette and his mother.

The Decupling Flunctuation
Penny begins to have doubts with her relationship with Leonard and Stuart becomes the new member of the group. Howard begins to be the but of jokes in space.
(Guest Star Michael Massimino)

The Higgs Boson Observation
Sheldon hires a female grad student Alex to help him only for Amy to become jealous, Howard's behavior becomes erratic forcing him to be pilled up and showing two moons on a video call to Bernadette.
(Guest Star Michael Massimino)

The Re-Entry Minimization
Howard returns back but feels he has been let down by everyone except a waitress in a cafe. Penny, Amy, Leonard and Sheldon compete in a series of games of boys versus girls.
(Guest Stars Howie Mandell and Michael Massimino)

The Holographic Excitation
Stuart and Raj plan a Halloween party at the comic book shop, Howard can't stop referencing every comment about space annoying everyone. Amy and Sheldon clash over what costumes to wear while Penny takes a interest in Leonard's work.

The Extract Obliteration
Penny enrolls in a history class at the community college forcing Leonard to do something...check her work. Sheldon plays a online game Words with Friends with Stephen Hawkins to which Sheldon becomes a but of a joke.
(Guest Star Stephen Hawkins: Voice Only)

The Habitation Configuration
Sheldon presents Fun with Flags with Will Wheaton and can't decide who's side to take when a argument breaks out. Howard has to make a decision about moving out and live with Bernadette.
(Guest Star LeVar Burton)

The 43 Peculiarty
Leonard feels threatened when Penny talks about a male class mate from London. Raj and Howard try to discover what Sheldon does in a room in the bottom of the university.

The Parking Spot Escalation
Howard is given a parking spot at the university, trouble is it's Sheldon's parking spot and the gang become involved in their dispute.

The Fish Guts Displacemet
Howard tries to bond with his new father in law, Amy takes ill and Sheldon tries to comfort her, Amy finds a way to take advantage of that forcing Sheldon to punish her.

The Santa Simulation
The boys play a Christmas Themed Dungeons and Dragons which forces Sheldon to open up about a bad Christmas memory. Raj joins the girls for a night out.

The Egg Salad Equivalency
Sheldon discovers Alex has a crush on Leonard to which Alex puts a complaint in. When Sheldon speaks to Human Resources he drops the boys in with secrets.

The Bakersfield Expedition
Comic-Con time for the boys who get stranded as members of Star Trek: The Next Generation. Amy, Bernadette and Penny decide to see what the fascination of comics are.

The Cooper/Kripke Inversion
The university forces Sheldon and Barry Kripke to work together, Sheldon comes up with a lie as to why his work is not as good as Barry's...he is having coitus with Amy. Raj and Howard get little figurines made of themselves forcing Bernadette to cut Howard's money off.

The Spoiler Alert Segmentation
Sheldon spoils a book for Leonard, which Leonard tries to move in with Penny. Amy feels she should now live with Sheldon as she knows his routine, feeling he is not ready for Amy to live with him, he blames Penny as to why they can't live together making Amy to have a idea, she can live with Penny. Raj has a awakward night with Mrs Wolowitz.

The Tangible Affection Proof
Sheldon asks Alex to buy a Valentines day gift for Amy and decides to giver the best gift, making her his emergency contact. Bernadette, Howard, Penny, Leonard and Penny have a disastrous meal together. Stuart Hosts a Lonely People part at the comic book shop with Raj who leaves with a girl called Lucy.

The Monster Isolation
After Lucy sneeks out of the coffee shop on Raj, he begins to fall apart. Sheldon and Penny hosts Fun with Flags which Sheldon reluctantly returns a favour, the gang watch her perform A streetcar named desire on stage.

The Contractual Obligation Implementation
The guys give a talk to some high school girls about getting females interested in science, while Penny, Amy and Bernadette skip work to go to Disneyland.

The Closet Reconfiguration
At a party hosted by Howard and Bernadette, Sheldon finds a letter to Howard from his father and lets slip what it was to the group, even though Howard is not interested in what it says.

The Tenure Turbulance
Leonard, Sheldon, Raj and Kripke battle for a tenure at the university when a spot opens up forcing everyone to suck up to the committee.

The Closure Alternative
When Sheldon's favourite T.V. show is cancelled, Amy tries to help Sheldon deal with it by not finishing what she starts. Raj finds Lucy's Blog after a date and becomes paranoid.

The Proton resurgence
Howard and Bernadette offer to look after Raj's dog Cinnamon , which doesn't go well. Sheldon finds his childhood hero Arthur Jeffries who was Professor Proton and hires him to come to their flat
(Guest Star Bob Newhart)

The Love Spell Potential
The boys play Dungeons and Dragons, the girls trip to Las Vegas is cut short when Amy is put on a flight risk and it helps Amy and Sheldon re-evaluate their relationship, Howard shows of his celebrity impressions. Raj has another awkward date with Lucy.

The Bon Voyage Reaction
Leonard is offered a a job by Stephen Hawkins and takes it to which Penny isn't happy about but accepts it. Raj and Lucy's relationship hits a crossroads and Raj finds out he doesn't need alcohol to talk to women.

This season had a lot more laughs in it and does make you question Raj's sexuality a bit more with girls night, until he meets Lucy. In a way I was sorted happy that the makers didn't drag out the Space Station into more episodes even though some bits were a funny. Usually we only hear Mrs Wolowitz but there is a few times we actually see her from either behind or from the side and more controlling she can be with others around her. After this season Bob Newhart slowly comes in as a key figure to Sheldon life which can be a laugh to watch.

" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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Old 20th June 2021, 09:55 AM
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With Heartland, with me mentioning Amber Marshall from Resident Evil: Apocalypse is starring in it, I forgot to mention Michelle Morgan is in it too from Romero's Diary Of The Dead
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Old 20th June 2021, 10:42 PM
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The Big Bang Theory: Season 7.

The Hofstadter Insufficiency
Sheldon and Penny bond while Leonard is away and Penny reveals she was in a horror movie Serial Apeist. Raj tries to get over his breakup and Howard takes him to a university party and gets talking to Human Resources woman Jannine. Bernadette and Amy attend a Biology convention and summon up the men in their life.

The Deception Verification
Sheldon feels betrayed when Leonard comes home early and spends time with Penny, Howard begins to show his feminine side in front of everyone.

The Scavenger Vortex
Raj sets up a scavanger hunt, Sheldon teams up with Penny, Leonard is teamed with Bernadette who becomes competitive, Howard is teamed with Amy who share their love for Neil Diamond.

The Raiders Minimization
How can anyone spoil Raiders Of The Lost Ak? Amy has that answer forcing Sheldon to find something wrong with her viewing choices. Raj and Stuart start a online dating profiles. Penny is reading a book The Disappointing child, the thing is it was written by Leonard's mother and Leonard tries to play the sympathy card.

The Workplace Proximity
Howard has a fight with Bernadette and he stays at Raj's flat, Amy is given the chance to work at Cal-Tech, Sheldon feels He and Amy shouldn't work together even though they be at opposite ends of the building.

The Romance Resonance
Howard plans something special for Bernadette to mark the anniversary of their first date which has a last minute change. Sheldon makes a discovery he is happy and cheerful, then he points it out he added things wrong and shouldn't be celebrated.

The Proton Displacement
Arthur Jeffries asks Leonard to work on a paper with him forcing Sheldon to be jealous and seek out a new friend. Raj gets upset with when Howard crashes "Girls Night".
(Guest Star Bill Nye)

The Itch Brain Simulation
Sheldon forces Leonard to make up for a mistake wear a sweater that itches and return a video tape back and pay the fee the only thing the shop closed down and has to find the owner. Penny confronts Raj's ex girlfriend Lucy.

The Thanksgiving Decoupling
The gang spend Thanksgiving at Mrs Wolowitz house, Howard tries to bond with Mike his father in law who decides to spend time with Sheldon and gets him drunk. Penny has something prop up from her past that Leonard tries to fix...Penny and Zach actually are married that they thought was a fake.

The Discovery Dissipation
Sheldon feels depressed when the element he found may be real until Leonard disproves the theory, Amy seeks help from Will and encourage Sheldon to find out how to cope. Raj spends time with Howard and Bernadette that does not go well.

The Cooper Extraction
Sheldon is in Texas for Christmas and the gang ponder how much Sheldon means to them and how their lives may have been different.

The Hesitation Ramification
Penny will be on T.V. in NCIS but her part was cut, Leonard tries to cheer her up, Leonard once made a awkward proposal now Penny will Penny propose? Sheldon tries a approach to be comical, while Stuart and Raj try practicing their social skills in the mall.

The Occupation Recalibration
Sheldon is forced to take time off and spends it with Penny who is looking to go back to acting full time. Amy receives unwanted attention from a co-worker Bert from Geology Department who ends up spending time with Raj and Howard.

The Convention Conundrum
The boys try to get their hands on Comic-Con tickets and fail, Sheldon tries to form his own Comic-Con and racks down James Earl Jones to which they spend a wild night on the town.
(Guest Stars James earl Jones and Carrie Fisher)

The Locomotive Manipulation
It's Valentines day, Raj is spending the night at work leaving Leonard and Penny to look after Cinnamon who eats chocolate and spend time at a vet, Howard, Bernadette, Amy and Sheldon spend time on a locomotive only for Sheldon to find a new friend, only for Amy to get angry and receive a unexpected surprise.

The Table Polarization
Leonard purchases a dining table forcing Sheldon to accept the change, Howard is offered to go back to space while Bernadette tries to put him off going back.
(Guest Star Michael Massimino)

The Friendship Turbulence
After a arguement with Sheldon, Howard takes Sheldon to a convention in Texas. Penny has second thoughts about quitting her waitress job until her car dies out on her. Amy tries to help Raj with online dating and she becomes Raj 's wing person when he is set up with a girl called Emily that doesn't go well.

The Mommy Observation
Sheldon arrives to visit his mum and gets a shock forcing him to have "The Talk" with her, back in Pasadena the gang get involved in a murder mystery set up by Raj as to who killed Stuart.

The Indecision Amalgamation
Raj is set for his date with Emily until he gets a email from Lucy forcing him to make a decision. Penny is offered a part in the sequel to Serial Apeist 2 along side Will Wheaton, while Sheldon can't decide what to buy, XBOX 1 or PS4.

The Relationship Diremption
Sheldon decides he wants to try a new topic and leave String Theory, after some wine he wakes up with a Geology book and may have drunk called Stephen Hawkins. Howard, and Bernadette go on a date with Raj to meet Emily who Howard has meet before and not in a good way.

The Anything Can Happen Recurrence
There is friction with everyone, Sheldon going on about leaving String Theory and Penny going on about her film role forcing people to lie and be honest, Raj has a date with Emily which involves a horror movie and seeks Howard for help.

The Proton Transmogrification
The boys get ready for Star Wars Day that is approaching until its announced Arthur Jeffries has passed away. At his funeral, Leonard and Penny have a discussion on proposing that leads to a competition. Sheldon is at loss until Arthur comes to him and gives him advice on how to treat people dressed as Obi-Wan Kenobi.

The Gorilla Dissolution
Penny and Will get fired from film forcing Penny to take things more serious in her life. Raj is upset seeing Emily at the cinema with another man leaving Sheldon to comfort him. Howard and Bernadette ponder looking after Mrs Wolowitz after she breaks her leg and nurses walking out on them.

The Status Quo Combustion
Sheldon is upset the university won't allow him to change subjects and decides to maybe run away. The comic book shop is destroyed by a fire, Howard and Bernadette offer Stuart to be a carer for Mrs Wolowitz. Penny and Leonard are finally engaged and wonder where they will live.

This was one of the funnier seasons and also one of those seasons where you really want to punch Sheldon in his face to wipe a couple of smirks off it. When Will is fired from Serial Apeist he has a text saying he has a audition for Sharknado 2, he actually has a small cameo role in the film at the start as a passenger on the plane. A few secrets come up for Howard when he may go back to space that can be a bit funny, even with Arthur Jeffries arguing with Bill Nye the science guy.

" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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Old 23rd June 2021, 03:35 PM
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The Big Bang Theory: Season 8

The Locomotion Interruption
Sheldon's trip comes to a end when he is robbed and Leonard has to travel to Arizona with Amy to collect him. Penny has a job interview as a sales rep with Bernadette's company. Howard is weirded out with the relationship between his mum and Stuart that results in a arguement.
(Guest Star Stephen Root)

The Junior Professor Solution
Sheldon can change from String Theory to Dark Matter except he is promoted to professor and has to teach a class and Howard signs up for it. Tension arises between Penny and Bernadette and Amy plays them both.

The First Pitch Insufficiency
Howard is asked to throw the first pitch at a baseball game, except he has never thrown a ball before. Amy and Sheldon feel they have a superior relationship over Leonard and Penny, how with that be decided?

The Hook-up Reverberation
The gang meet Emily who takes a dislike to Penny after Raj tells her about the night he and Penny slept together. The guys think about opening their own comic book shop, how do the girls feel about that.

The Focus Attenuation
The guys had plans that were set aside before they all got girlfriends and decide to go back and try invent something using a pain method if they get distracted. The girls head to Las Vegas for a weekend only for Amy and Bernadette to get drunk.

The Expedition Approximation
Raj and Sheldon try to simulate a tunnel for Dark Matter, Amy has one job..if it becomes too much rescue Sheldon and if their is time rescue Raj. Penny and Leonard ask Howard and Bernadette about how they control their money finances after a arguement.

The Misinterpretation Agitation
The guys befriend one of Penny's client's when he shows up after mixed signals and discover he has a collection of Science-Fiction memorabilia and who he has worked on. Bernadette is appearing in a magazine that Amy quickly shuts down on her appearing in it.
(Guest Star Billy Bob Thornton)

The Prom Equivalency
The gang decide to re-live their prom night on the roof of their building while Howard worries who he will bring that turns out to be his cousin Jeanie that results in a fight in the car. Sheldon has a panic attack about how committed to he is with Amy.

The Septum Deviation
Leonard is due to have surgery on his nose which Sheldon starts to panic about how the surgery can be a disaster. Raj finds out his parents have split up decides on how to handle it.

The Champagne Reflection
After 232 episodes Sheldon decides to end Fun with Flags, Howard, Raj, and Leonard clear out a deceased professor's office and try to find something in his work to remeber him by. Bernadette and Penny go to a office party with Dan and finally pluck up the courage to tell Bernadette how mean she really is in the workplace.
(Guest Stars Stephen Root and LeVar Burton)

The Clean Room Infiltration
Amy hosts a Victorian meal for Christmas while Raj's father comes to visit. Howard and Leonard try to figure out how to get a bird out of the clean room at the university and Penny comes up with the solution.
(Guest Stars Dakin Mathews and Brian George)

The Space Probe Disintegration
9 years earlier Raj was working on a space probe, today is the day it may turn on and he is stressing out. Leonard and Sheldon go shopping with Amy and Penny and begin to compromise on a lot of things that reduce Leonard and Sheldon to tears.

The Anxiety Optimization
Sheldon becomes stuck on dark matter and gets everyone to increase his stress levels, Howard has invented a new game for everyone, who did Raj say this to, Emily or Cinnamon.

The Troll Manifestation
Leonard and Sheldon post a paper online and soon become a target for a troll to bash their work, The girls start to find something embarrassing about each other online.

The Comic Book Store Regeneration
The comic book shop is finally re-opening and Howard receives news that his mum has passed away while visiting relatives. Penny teaches Sheldon about life and letting things go, but when she finds out Amy has been giving her things to do she can't follow her own advice.
(Guest Star Nathan Fillion)

The Intimacy Acceleration
Sheldon and Penny try a online experiment to see if they can fall in love with each other, Raj, Emily, Howard and Amy find a escape room game with a zombie. Howard and Bernadette return home after the funeral of Mrs Wolowitz only to find out the airline has lost Mrs Wolowitz's ashes.

The Colonization Application
Amy is upset when Sheldon announces he has applied to be the first person on Mars when it becomes colonized. Leonard surprises Penny with a adult game, Body Paints. Raj gets into trouble with Emily when he snoops around her apartment and breaks a drawer in her room.

The Leftover Thermalization
When Sheldon gets a interview about the paper he and Leonard done he fails to mention Leonard and it gets published. A power cut happens by the Wolowitz house, Howard decides to have everyone round and have a meal on honor of Mrs Wolowitz.

The Skywalker Incursion
Leonard and Sheldon are asked to give a talk about their paper, on the way the stop of at Skywalker Ranch to meet George Lucas that does not go well. Clearing out Mrs Wolowitz house a ping pong battle happens to decide the fate of the Tardis that is taken up space.

The Fortification Implementation
Howard is planning on selling the house until a visitor shows up claiming to Howard's half brother which freaks him out. Penny is asked to appear on a Podcast by Will Wheaton and a arguement happens between Penny and Leonard which is heard out live.

The Communication Deterioration
Raj is asked to design a video message if there is aliens out in space and turns to the guys for help to which they begin to argue. Feeling like sales isn't her best job, Penny decides she may go back to acting.

The Graduation Transmission
Leonard is asked to give a speech at his old school until his flight is cancelled and does the speech via live link. Howard questions his engineering skills when he and Sheldon can't get a drone to work. Raj is cut off and decides to get his parents to fight and gets more money from them
(Guest Stars Brian George and Alice Amter)

The Maternal Combustion
Personalities clash when Sheldon's mum meets Leonard's mum. Bernadette reaches her breaking point with Howard, Stuart and Raj after they don't clean the house which result the boys to clean up and sing a song from Annie.

The Commitment Determination
Sheldon asks about when Leonard and Penny are getting married, but steps back when he and Amy face a problem, could it be the end of "The Shamy"? Raj questions his relationship with Emily and Howard and Bernadette decide on how to approach Stuart to move out.

This was a interesting season as there seems to be more movie and T.V talk with Sheldon able to mention places from horror films and able to put on a doctor who outfit (Tom Baker) while Amy wonders why she didn't think things through properly. Part of the season had to be re-written after Carol Ann Susi who provided the voice of Mrs Wolowitz had actually passed away, the makers did do a decent job with the changes and gave her a decent send off.

" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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Old 24th June 2021, 06:51 PM
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Black mirror spin off, short stories available on the YouTube.

Short stories ranging from 6min - 20min

First lot are in Polish with subtitles,

The Sum of Happiness
The Breakup

While you could tell its Black mirror felt the ending were a bit flat and had no real outcome or twist.

The 2nd lot

Stories From Our Future,

Cure for Loneliness,
Getting to Know You,
The Healthy Alternative,

like silent films no dialogue but background music,
a lot better and more like type of Black mirror style ending.
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Old 25th June 2021, 10:17 AM
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Just watched series 2 sick of it, I could watch owt with Karl pilkington he entertaining, series about everyday life it’s entertaining and amusing without going out it’s way to be funny, sometimes I find the simple and basic humour better than something that tries to be funny
trebor8273 and MrBarlow like this.
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