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Old 25th June 2021, 05:48 PM
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The Big Bang Theory: Season 9

The Matrimonial Momentum
On their way to get married in Vegas, Leonard confesses to kissing another woman while at sea. Sheldon finds it hard to move on after his break up from Amy.

The Separation Oscillation
Leonard and Penny try to work through their problems, Sheldon hosts a episode of "Fun with Flags and sends it to Amy which angers her after he compares her to a Country.

The Bachelor Party Corrosion
The guys travel to Mexico for a bachelor part in a van used by Richard Feynman which doesn't end well. The girls give Penny a bachelorette party where Amy presents some unusual cookies for them.
(Guest Star Keith Carradine)

The 2003 Approximation
With Leonard moving out Sheldon reverts to going back to living in 2003 before he met Leonard. Stuart is looking for ideas for more customers to the shop with live music, Howard and Raj form a band together "Footprints on the moon".

The Perspiration Implementation
The guys try to take up fitness and join's Kripke's Fencing class and let's slip Sheldon and Amy have broken up and Kripke moves in on Amy. Stuart seeks help from the girls and asks advice about what would attract women to the comic shop and they start to read the online comments.

The Helium Insufficiency
Sheldon and Leonard try to beat the Swedish to a experiment and need Helium, when Kripke doesn't share, the guys find a online seller. The rest of the gang use a dating app to find Amy a new partner until she tells them she has met someone.
(Guest Star Michael Rapaport)

The Spock Resonance
Will asks Sheldon to be interviewed by Adam Nimoy about a documentary on Spock, Sheldon tries to hold back his feeling about Amy, when Sheldon goes to see Amy she is out with another man. Bernadette and Howard clash over renovating Howard's childhood home, to which Bernadette throws Howard under the bus infront of Bernadette's dad about not having children.
(Guest Stars Stephen Merchant and Adam Nimoy)

The Mystery Date Observation
Penny, Leonard and Bernadette decide to spy on Amy and Dave, Dave finds out Amy's Ex was Sheldon Cooper and starts to ask awkward questions. Sheldon asks Howard and Raj to help him find another girlfriend and makes it into a quiz.
(Guest Star Stephen Merchant)

The Platonic Permutation
Amy and Sheldon decide to visit the Aquarium as friends, Penny and Leonard decide to cook a Thanksgiving meal which Leonard makes a unexpected confession. Howard, Raj, Bernadette and Emily volunteer at a soup kitchen.
(Guest Star Elon Musk)

The Earworm Reverberation
Sheldon has a song stuck in his head and cant figure out what the son is driving him insane as well as Leonard and Penny until he realises it reminded him of Amy. After a awkward date, Amy invites Dave to her place for a meal which ends differently, Amy and Sheldon get back together and Dave walks away strangely happy.

The Opening Night Excitation
The new Star Wars movie premieres , the boys have got their tickets, only problem the night the movie is shown it's Amy's birthday and he decide to plan something differently with the help of Arthur giving him advice. Howard, Raj and Leonard decide to invite Will who roots for the home team of Star Trek.

The Sales Call Sublimation
Penny tries to see a doctor about sales and can't get a appointment, the gang entice Leonard to make a appointment and see the doctor that turn into a therapy session and letting off steam about his mother. Sheldon is with Raj in the telescopic room and discovers a new Star, will Sheldon share the discovery. Bernadette and and Howard happiness is great when Stuart announces he is moving out.
(Guest Star Jane Kaczmarek)

The Empathy Optimization
After Sheldon becomes ill and insults everyone, the gang try to plan a Sheldon Free Weekend in Vegas, unless Sheldon apologises with the help of Amy, and in the process Sheldon upsets Emily again .

The Meemaw Materialization
Sheldon's Gran (Meemaw) comes to visit and causes a arguement between herself and Amy which causes Sheldon to seek sanctuary and Penny's. Raj meets a girl called Claire at the comic book and starts to question his relationship with Emily.
(Guest Star June Sqibb)

The Valentino Submergence
Valentines day has come to Pasadena, Howard and Bernadette decide to relax in a hot tub only for a rabbit to be there and nurse it back to health, Bernadette tells the rabbit she has a secret...she is pregnant. Penny and Leonard grapple with getting old and decide to have fun. Amy and Sheldon host a live broadcast of Fun With Flags and take in calls, only Raj and Kripke are their only callers.

The Positive Negative Reaction
The pregnancy is revealed to all, the boys try to come up with a idea on how to create something and make money off it, Sheldon who is drunk may still be smart, but not smart enough when he mistakes the kitchen as a toilet.

The Celebration Experimentation
Sheldon who has never really celebrated his birthday, the gang decides he need a party.
(Guest Stars Stephen Hawkins and Adam West)

The Application Deterioration
Howard Leonard and Sheldon file a patent for their Gyroscope at Cal-tech and run into a small problem. Raj asks the girls for advice about Emily and Claire, even though Claire gives him advice from the woman's handbook.

The Solder Excursion Diversion
While working on their new project, Howard and Leonard get help from Penny and Bernadette, when the boys leave to pick up material they are lured to a free screening and inform Raj who is in the lab with Penny and Bernadette. Sheldon reveals he has a keep safe storage locker to Amy of all the things he has owned, can he let go of his stuff?

The Big Bear Precipitation
Amy and Sheldon join Penny and Leonard for a weekend in the woods where some secrets are revealed. Raj seems a bit more excited about the pregnancy than Howard and Bernadette is, forcing Howard to step up more.

The Viewing Party Combustion
Game Of thrones night is here, forcing the group to take sides after a arguement erupts which end in a visit to the hospital when Howard eats a sandwhich which contains nuts.

The Fermentation Bifurcation
Sheldon creates a new game for him and Bernadette when the rest of the group go to a wine testing bar, Penny's ex Zach shows up making thing awkward and Raj lets out he has been seeing two women in front of Claire.

The Line Substitution Solution
Sheldon is supposed to be spending time with Amy and rather go to the movies and pays Stuart to spend the day with Amy. Penny tries to connect with her new mother in law and fails and reveals she was upset she didn't get invited to the wedding, Penny decides they should have a proper wedding in front of their friends and family.

The Convergence Convergence
Tensions are high when Leonard's divorced parents turn up, which Sheldon's mother and Leonard's father leave together and cannot be contacted. Howard receives a email from from the Air Force regarding their Gyroscope and believes he is now being followed by the government.
(Guest Star Judd Hirsch)

Even though we have seen Leonard's mother in a few episodes and I never really mention her, Christine Baranski who plays Mrs Hofstadter does come out with some good remarks and see her struggling at times to keep a straight face. Even Laurie Metcalf who plays Mrs Cooper can make a good fight and stand up for herself. After Sheldon keeps talking about his MeeMaw we finally get to see her and how strong willed she is. Stephen Merchant does provide some comedy but seems to be toned down for his character for some reason even though at times it can be cringe worthy, the laughs do come a lot more.

" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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Old 26th June 2021, 07:18 PM
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The Big Bang Theory: Season 10.

The Conjugal Conjecture
Leonard and Penny hold a second wedding, with her brother Randall and dad making jokes that her mother feels embarrassed. Everyone tries to deal with Mary and Alfred who spent the night together at the hotel bar and Sheldon making things awkward.
(Guest Stars Judd Hirsch and Keith Carradine)

The Military Miniaturization
Bernadette is due to start a new drug trial and someone has let it slip she is pregnant and may be taken off the programe. Howard has a visit from a Air Force Colonel who seems to be interested in the Gyroscope invention, Howard and Leonard have a rule for Sheldon during the meeting...Don't talk.
(Guest Star Dean Norris)

The Dependence Transcendence
Bernadette begins to show feelings that she may not be ready for parenthood and Raj tries to comfort her. Sheldon begins to show cracks as he, Howard and Leonard try to work out the maths for the Gyroscope, when he begins to feel tired he takes a energy drink.
(Guest Stars Dean Norris and Brian George)

The Cohabitation Experimentation
Amy's flat is flooded and has to vacate for repairs, living arrangements are made Penny moves in with Leonard and Amy and Sheldon live in Penny's flat to which Sheldon is unhappy with until Leonard mentions Star Trek. Howard and Bernadette take Raj to a baby scan, when they decide they don't want to know the sex of the baby, Raj let's it out he saw the notes and knows what they are having.

The Hot Tub Contamination
Bernadette and Howard plan to go away but are forced to stay at home and don't tell anyone until Stuart and Raj come over and use their hot tub. Amy and Sheldon try to adjust to their living arrangements and things escalate when Sheldon implicates his rules.

The Fetal Kick Catalyst
Penny is shocked when she is invited to a comic book convention about Serial Apeist movies and how much of a fan based film it has achieved. Amy and Sheldon host a Party with Bert, Stuart and a Neighbour Mrs Petrescu as test subjects which doesn't end well then Sheldon and Stuart start complimenting each other. Howard starts to freak out more after feeling the baby kick.

The Veracity Elasticity
Amy's repairs to her flat are finished but doesn't tell Sheldon which forces the group to hide it, Howard lets slip that Penny has been moving Leonard's collectables into storage.

The Brain Bowl Incubation
A Gene Experiment with Amy makes Sheldon want to procreate with Amy and tries everything to get her in the mood. After meeting a cleaning lady at work, Raj thinks he has met his new girlfriend.

The Geology Elevation
Bert at work has won the MacArthur grant forcing Sheldon to be jealous to which he ends up hurting himself. Howard has built a toy which everyone thinks is distasteful except Kripke.
(Guest Stars Stephen Hawkins and Ellen DeGeneres)

The Property Division Collision
Sheldon and Leonard try to divide their belonging they have bought over the years which rages into a battle between the two friends and Sheldon decides to let his own room out to a homeless guy. Stuart asks Howard and Bernadette if he can move in with them and help with baby duties when the time comes forcing Stuart and Raj to disagree on things.
(Guest Star Christopher Lloyd)

The Birthday Synchronicity
Amy's birthday comes round and that means intimacy between Amy and Sheldon which is put on hold when Bernadette goes into labor and has a girl they call Hallie..

The Holiday Summation
The gang spent spent Christmas apart and reflect on when Sheldon and Amy went to Texas and tell Mrs Cooper that they are living together. Penny and Leoanard have a disastrous time when taking home a Christmas tree. Howard and Bernadette struggling being parents, with Bernadette asking "What have they done".

The Romance Recalibration
Penny and Leonard ask Sheldon for help and keep their marriage happy which Sheldon rights up a contract for them. Howard's old bedroom now nursery for Hallie has squeaks in the floor so he and Raj map out on what to do.

The Emotion Detection Automation
Sheldon tries out a new emotion machine which doesn't help Penny or Leonard when Penny announces Randall may be staying with him. Raj gathers his ex girlfriends with Howard to ask where he went wrong and why he is single.

The Locomotion Reverberation
Sheldon becomes annoying with the Gyroscope, so Leonard gives him a pass for a Locomotive experience. Penny, Amy take Bernadette out for a night out after the birth of Hallie leaving Stuart and Raj to babysit.
(Guest Star Dean Norris)

The Allowance Evaporation
Mr Koothrappoli has given up arranging for Raj to get married, when a arguement happens, Raj may be cut off from his father's helping hands.
On date Night Amy and Sheldon meet Bert and asks him to join them only for a arguement to happen and Sheldon doesn't realise what he has done wrong.
(Guest Star Brian George)

The Comic-Con Conundrum
Raj tells his father he doesn't want his support and he can manage his finaces, Comic-con approaches and Raj has to try and figure out what to do. Howard tries to figure out how he can go and leave Bernadette alone. Penny decides she want to go to comic-con and Leonard isn't keen on it and tries to let Penny know why she can't go, Penny has second thoughts about going and is not sure how to tell Leonard.

The Escape Hatch Identification
Raj is looking for someplace cheap to live, Howard and Leonard have the answer...India. After a debate Leonard and Penny offer Sheldon's old room which makes Sheldon feel uncomfortable and needs to speak to Leonard's mother for advice that does not go well.

The Collaboration Fluctuation
With their new room mate, Penny and Leonard's relationship is strained when Raj becomes Penny's new girlfriend. Sheldon decides to take part in Amy's work and adds Physics to Nurobiology.

The Recollection Dissipation
Sheldon things he can do two projects at once, the Gyroscope and Amy's work but ends up exhausted and has lost his note book with classified information, he finally finds it in a unusual place. Bernadette is due to go back to work but is unsure about leaving Hallie in daycare.

The Separation Agitation
Bert announces he has a girlfriend, the gang invite him round to meet her only for to be a gold digger. Hallie's new daycare is next to Cal-tech, Bernadette, Howard and Stuart are reluctant to leave her there and may try to sneak her out.

The Gyroscopic Collapse
Phase 1 is complete of the Gyroscope, Howard, Leonard and Sheldon get a surprise when they head to the lab and have to try and deal with the emotions they are feeling now. Amy is offered a position at Princeton and is worried about leaving Sheldon.
(Guest Star Dean Norris)

The Long Distance Dissonance
Amy is at Princeton and Leonard assumes the roles he has missed doing with Sheldon. Sheldon's former Grad Student Ramona Nowitzki has returned, Sheldon can't see she is looking for more than being friends, when she makes a pass for Sheldon, he leaves to travels to Princeton and proposes to Amy.

Some of you may know what it's like to be parents and how much of a struggle it is, Bernadette and Howard do make it look serious and comical at the same time. Brian Posehn who played Bert in the earlier episodes as small appearances is shown a lot more in this season as the makers try to make him more part of the gang in a way that he still able to be the but of Sheldon's comments and jokes. For some reason in this the writers acknowledge that Sheldon has his first energy drink, in previous seasons Leonard has mentioned he once had a energy drink and chased a squirrel round the campus, do they forget what has been written before? There is some good mixed jokes thrown in that can bring a smirk or a good chuckle to this season.

" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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Old 27th June 2021, 05:30 AM
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Marathonning Lost season 4. Probably the best season, actually, much more fast paced with the gas being turned up and the (increasingly interminable) flashbacks largely ditched in favour of a far more interesting dual narrative with "flash forwards". It's also highly entertaining, after having gotten so used to Michael Emerson as the eccentric but kind and heroic Finch in Person of Interest to watch him again as the hilariously despicable and malevolent Ben Linus. Now that's the mark of a great actor - someone who can be both a hero you love and a villain you love to hate!
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Old 27th June 2021, 09:38 PM
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The Big Bang Theory: Season 11.

The Proposal Proposal
Amy accepts Sheldon's wedding proposal, back at Cal-Tech Amy approaches Ramona with different results. Bernadette and Howard share news themselves, Bernadette is pregnant again.
(Guest Star Stephen Hawkins)

The Retraction Reaction
Leonard goes on Science Friday radio show and announces things are slow in the physics world and is forced to make a new statement. Bernadette and Amy compare their work which results in throwing insults at each other.

The Relaxation Integration
Stuart and Raj fight over Bernadette's new work colleague Ruchie, Amy and Sheldon start to struggle over planning a wedding date.

The Explosion Implosion
At their baby scan, Bernadette and Howard find out the sex of their baby. Penny starts of a phone friendship with Leonard's mother and when Penny says that Mrs Hofstadter is proud of her, Leonard wonders why his mother is never proud of him.

The Collaboration Contamination
Amy and Howard start working together making everyone feel jealous and lonely. After leaving a parenting book at Leonard and Penny's flat, Penny starts to use it on Sheldon.

The Proton Regeneration
Howard is going under the knife to get a vasectomy, Bernadette has been told to rest up and Penny offers to babysit forcing Howard and Bernadette to get others to check on Penny. Professor Proton is making a return to the screens, Sheldon sends in a audition tape after speaking to Arthur Jeffries only for someone else to get the role...Will Wheaton.

The Geology Methodology
Bert asks Sheldon to collaborate on a paper which Sheldon agrees and doesn't want anyone to know he is working with a Geologist. Raj seeks advice about how to approach on taking things further with Ruchie.

The Tesla Recoil
Howard and Leonard become become angry when they find out Sheldon is back working with the Military on the Gyroscope. Bernadette thinks Ruchie is taking her work and asks Raj to investigate.
(Guest Star Dean Norris)

The Bitcoin Entanglement
In the comic book shop, Sheldon mentions the bitcoin they invested in and go in search of what they done with it, only for Stuart to feel left out unaware on what he could have had.

The Confidence Erosion
Raj has a interview at the Planetarium, feeling low confidence his father thinks due to Howard making jokes about him and they fall out. Sheldon and Amy apply maths to their wedding plans.
(Guest Star Brian George)

The Celebration Reverberation
Hallie's birthday is approaching Howard is stuck and asks Raj to help and try to fix their friendship. Sheldon plans a frontier meal for Amy's birthday that results in food poisoning.

The Matrimonial Metric
In order to pick a maid of honor and best man, Sheldon and Amy put their friends through a series of tests. Leonard receives a letter from his brother he feels he and Penny have done nothing spectacular.

The Solo Oscillation
Sheldon needs some alone time, Amy and Leonard end up bonding over science experiments. Raj replaces Howard in Footprints on the moon with Bert, then they eventually let Raj come back as a trio.

The Separation Triangulation
Raj meets a girl at the Planetarium only to find out she is married and her estranged husband turns up looking for Raj. Sheldon wants to rent his old room from Leonard and Penny with a contract that has a hidden flaw.

The Novelization Correlation
Leonard decides to write a book on a crime solving Physicist, with the female character he is either basing it on Penny, Bernadette or his mother. Amy appears on a episode of Professor Proton which Sheldon becomes jealous.

The Neonatal Nomenclature
Bernadette's birth date is due and the gang try different things to help her go into labor. Howard finds out that Bernadette has already picked the name without speaking to him about it. and they both decide to call their son Michael.

The Athenaeum Allocation
Sheldona nd Amy pick a venue and the date, except it has been taken by Kripke, Leonard decides to speak to Kripke and compramise a agreement. Howard and Bernadette try to decide who should stay at home with the kids.

The Gates Excitation
Penny has a meeting with Bill Gates about the merging of their companies, Leonard tries to meet him again after the first time he meet him went wrong, Sheldon believes he is being pranked and believes that Penny is lying.
(Guest Star Bill Gates)

The Tenant Disassociation
After a sandwhich van is parked outside, Sheldon forms a tenant association forcing Leonard to go against him only for Amy to be stuck in the middle and finds a clause as to why Sheldon can't run for it. Raj and Howard find a drone and try to find the owner who is female, Raj decides to return it and ends up blowing his chance for a date.

The Reclusive Potential
Sheldon is invited to a cabin by a doctor who he has been speaking to, Penny and bernadette take Amy out for her Bachelorette Party.
(Guest Star Peter MacNicol)

The Comet Polarization
While star gazing on the roof, Penny discovers a new comet and Raj does not want to share the finding. Author Neil Gaiman makes a appearance at the comic book shop and gives it good reviews that it becomes busy and Stuart hires a assistant called Denise to help out.
(Guest star Neil Gaiman)

The Monetary Insufficiency
Sheldon needs money for his work, President Siebert rejects what Sheldon wants, he decides to travel to Las Vegas that does not go well. Bernadette and Penny take Amy shopping for her wedding dress, when she picks one she loves, Bernadette and Penny hate it and try to figure out how to tell her.

The Sibling Realignment
Mrs Cooper is forcing Sheldon to invite his brother George to the wedding, Sheldon and Leonard travel to Texas to see George and ask why he bullied Sheldon.
(Guest Star Jerry O'Connell)

The Bow Tie Asymmetry
The Shamy's big day has arrived, when the ceremony looms the bride and groom are together creating a new patent that has never been done before Super A Semitary, everyone finds out how controlling Amy's mum can be. Howard surprises Amy and Sheldon when Will Wheaton was to officiate the wedding and he gets Mark Hamill to do it.
(Guest Stars Jerry O'Connell, Kathy Bates, Teller, Mark Hamill)

For some reason the first few episodes of this season were funny but not as funny as the previous seasons and again the writers really should look back at what has been said and try to keep it on the save level instead of changing things around. Kathy Bates does make a good change to Annie O'Donnell who played Mrs Fowler from season 4 and knows how to be controlling but not Annie Wilkes controlling.

There was a Scene for the last episode where Sheldon and Amy open their wedding gifts and recieve one from Stephen Hawkins, unfortunately this scene was deleted in memory of Professor Stephen Hawkins which I think was a nice touch by the makers.

" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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Old 27th June 2021, 09:52 PM
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UK Biggest Hits 1995

Another great countdown which runs down the Top 30 songs in the UK. This was the 1st year in which I followed Music seriously and hearing some of the stories from the songs I loved amazing.

Judging from what I've been seeing, some of the Boyzone videos were quite torturous.
bleakshaun and MrBarlow like this.
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Old 27th June 2021, 10:51 PM
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Originally Posted by nicholasrope View Post
UK Biggest Hits 1995

Judging from what I've been seeing, some of the Boyzone videos were quite torturous.
Well it's torturous listening to 'em, so it serves 'em right i guess...


MIKE: I've got it! Peter Cushing! We've got to drive a stake through his heart!
VYVYAN: Great! I'll get the car!
NEIL: I'll get a cushion.
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Old 28th June 2021, 08:18 AM
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Man down, I’d never heard of it and comes across on Netflix and thought I’d give it a go, seriously wtf is this shit, it’s embarrassing, cringeworthy, can tell their trying to be funny, it’s too pathetic ridiculous and childish to even be funny.
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Old 28th June 2021, 08:42 PM
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The Boys Season 2

Unlike Season 1, I have already seen the episodes already so binge watching the DVD was a lot easier as I felt that the personal stuff regarding The Boys to be a little boring.

However I watched everything to do with The Supes and Vought as it is some of the most entertaining stuff I've seen with a few WTF moments.

Antony Starr steals the show as the leader of The 7 but acts like a petulant child and Ava Cash as Stormfront is also very good.

Definitely worth a watch.
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Old 29th June 2021, 12:11 AM
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The Big Bang Theory: The Final Season.

The Conjugal Configuration
Amy and Sheldon go away for their honeymoon and Sheldon has things planned out for their trip and coitus. Leonard and Penny find Mr Fowler hiding from Mrs Fowler in Amy and Sheldon's flat. Raj has been asked to appear on T.V. and ends up upsetting Neil Degrasse Tyson which sparks a Twitter war.
(Guest Stars Neil DeGrasse Tyson and Bill Nye, Teller, Kathy Bates)

The Wedding Gift Wormhole
Amy and Sheldon return home and receive a wedding gift from Leonard and penny and have no clue what it is. Stuart and Denise go out on a date, Stuart has a problem when he decides to get a fake tan. After breaking up with Ruchie and doesn't want to be alone, Raj calls his father and asks for advice.
(Guest Star Brian George)

The Procreation Calculation
Things at home for the Wolowitz when Stuart starts to bring Denise home with him. Raj goes on a date with a woman called Anu who his father has set him up with. Penny and Leonard talk about starting a family, when Penny has doubts her dad intervenes causing a awkward moment for Leonard.
(Guest Star Keith Carradine)

The Tam Turbulence
Who is Tam? Sheldon has never mentioned him before, he was Sheldon's best friend in Texas but now on his enemy's list and everyone wants to know why. Penny and Bernadette take Anu out for a dinner to size her up and make sure she is perfect for Raj.

The Planetarium Collision
Amy is a bit busy working on a project rather than work with Sheldon, so Sheldon sabotages her project. At the Planetarium, Howard is asked to join Raj and feels Howard would embarrass him.

The Imitation Perturbation
Halloween time has come to Cal-Tech everyone is dressing up and Howard has the perfect costume he is going as Sheldon, Amy and Sheldon decide to get payback, When things get settled the boys decide to watch the film Halloween, will Sheldon be able to handle it?

The Grant Allocation Derivation
The gang build a little play house in the Wolowitz garden for Hallie and Michael, except Bernadette uses it to hide when things get stressful. Leonard has been put in charge in distributing the last of the funds for the University, which department needs it more.

The Consummation Deviation
Sheldon tries to bond with Mr Fowler, when Howard lures him away with magic, Sheldon decides to try and bond with Mrs Fowler and reveals some secrets about why Amy doesn't visit her. Anu wants to takes things to the next step with raj and book a hotel room only for Raj to get nervous.
(Guest Stars Teller and Kathy Bates)

The Citation Negation
Raj and Leonard find out A Semetary was disproved by the Russians, how will they tell Amy and Sheldon, when they do, how will they handle it. Bernadette wants to beat hHoward at a online game and turns to Denise for help.

The VCR Illumination
Reeling from their bad news Amy and Sheldon try to move on with help from a tape Sheldon done when he was a child and gets inspiration his dad once said. Bernadette becomes a pageant mom with helping Howard to get a audition for Magic Castle.

The Paintball Scattering
After installing a doorbell camera for Anu, Raj watches Anu with a ex boyfriend, Denise asks Stuart to move in with her and he panics. Amy and Sheldon print off their paper and Amy has the spotlight leaving Sheldon Jealous, will a paintball game end their bickering.

The Propagation Proposition
Zach, Penny's ex boyfriend as Leonard if he would be a sperm donor as he is infertile. Raj tries to mend things with Anu, while Mr Koothrapoli tries to mend things with Anu's family in India.
(Guest Star Brian George)

The Confirmation Polarization
When two Physicists approve the paper by Amy and Sheldon and may get a nobel, The two try to get Amy off the nomination as they feel a Nuero Scientist should work on a Physics paper. Bernadette tries to get Penny to join her team for sales as one of her drugs has been approved.
(Guest Stars Kal Penn and Sean Astin)

The Meteorite Manifestation
When things come to a head with a Neighbour and his balcony, The Wolowitz's get help from Sheldon when they think it violates a building code. Sheldon helps until he realises they have violated a building code with their porch. Leonard has a new laser and feels neglected when Bert finds a new meteorite.

The Donation Oscillation
Leoanard agrees to be a donor and has to not be intimate while Penny tries to be seductive, Howard, Bernadette, Raj and Anu take a trip to the vomit comet while Bernadette tries to prove to Howard she can be brave and tough.

The D & D Vortex
the gang find out Will Wheaton plays Dungeons and Dragons with celebrities and try to wrangle in with him and too see who he plays with. Amy and Sheldon appear on Professor Proton and meet William Shatner
(Guest Stars William Shatner, Kevin Smith, Joe Manganiello, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar)

The Conference Valuation
At a Pharmaceutical sales conference Penny is appproached by a member of staff from their competition. Sheldon finds a book about experimenting on babies and wants to try stuff with Hallie and Michael.

The Laureate Accumulation
Doctors Pemberton and Campbell take the spotlight away from Amy and Sheldon and try to impress America, while Amy and Sheldon try to impress previous Nobel winners that Sheldon has upset before. at a gathering Sheldon has been told not to say a word, Amy on the other hand has a near meltdown. Howard tries to calm Hallie down after being told she is afraid of the dark and Howard comforts her with a story of The Frightened Astronaut which Bernadette turns into a book.
(Guest StarsKal Penn, Sean Astin, George F. Smoot, Frances H. Arnold, Ellen DeGeneres, Kip Thorne)

The Inspiration Deprivation
Raj and Howard buy a scooter that resembles the one Howard had before and tries not to tell Bernadette. Amy is trying her best to be calm as she can be a inspiration to other Female scientists.

The Decision Reverberation
Raj publishes a paper that there may be aliens out there in space and becomes the butt of jokes and laughs, then tries to correct himself saying that the Loch Ness Monster is real. Leonard takes charge of things when he wants to be the lead investigator on a plasma physics study.

The Plagiarism Schism
kripke has proof that doctor Pemberton is a fraud and willing to pass the information to Amy and Sheldon who can't decide to take the proof or not. Howard finds out Bernadette wasn't the only waitress who liked him and may go and find out who else liked him.

The Maternal Conclusion
Leonard's mother comes to visit, Leonard is shocked when she wants to spend time with him and takes in what he is working on only for there to be a catch. Stuart and Denise spend the night at her place only for her creepy room mate to show up. Anu working in London has been offered a job there and she decides to take it forcing Raj to make a choice.

The Change Constant
Amy and Sheldon wait on news that they may be accepted for the Nobel and both panic when things begin to change. Raj is leaving to go to London until Howard shows up and Raj gets the chick flick moment he has always dreamed about. Things happen outside the flat when the lift has been broken for 12 years is finally fixed.

The Stockholm Syndrome
The gang head to Sweden, Howard and Bernadette worry about leaving the kids with Stuart and Denise, on the plane ride Penny keeps running to the toilet forcing Sheldon to ask what is wrong if she is sick and he doesn't want to be ill.
(Guest Star Sarah Michelle Gellar)

Almost 2 weeks and 279 episodes done, this was well worth it watching it back to back and seeing how they all first met and Howard actually growing up and getting married and Sheldon getting worse with his O.C.D. The actors done a really good job keeping the laughter coming and the writers were amazing and actually consulting Physicists on what can be accurate in the science world. I'm sure the Mrs will get me to re-watch this again at some point, i'm sure I will still laugh at it again.

" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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Old 1st July 2021, 10:34 PM
Linbro's Avatar
Seasoned Cultist
Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: Melbourne, Australia

'Millennium', season 1, episodes 1 and 2.
First watch since broadcast and so far it holds up very well. I remember it being one of my favourite shows, but don't remember much about it. It's so damn dark and grimy, even by today's standards.
And still one of my favourite opening credits sequences.
Fun fact - back in the day, when this was broadcast down here, our local TV station played the final two episodes in reverse order
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