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![]() The Addams Family. Mother Lurch Visits the Addams Family Lurch's mother comes to visit, only thing is he has told her he is a wealthy man and not a butler. Gomez and Morticia try to show him how to act like a man of the house. Uncle Fester's Illness Uncle Fester can't maintain is wattage with a light bulb and their witch doctor is away, so they get a doctor to make a house call, how will he react to the family? The Addams Family Splurges The family plan a holiday to the moon but they don't have the funds so they get a super computer that will help them pick a winner for the horse racing and hire a bookie to place the bets, unfortunately their bookie hasn't placed the bets. Cousin Itt Visits the Addams Family Itt decides to visit the family, a parks commissioner visits and looks for a contribution for the expansion of the local zoo. When the commissioner mistaken's Itt as a new exotic animal he has him whisked away, panic ensures when Itt escapes and is broadcasted on the news as a monster. The Addams Family in Court With the family away, Grandma Addams resumes her old job fortune telling which lands her in court on several violations. Gomez decides to represent her as the family lawyer, Gomez has never lost a court case but has never won a case either. Amnesia in the Addams Family Gomez is hit on the head and now suffers amnesia and believes he is normal and in danger, how can the family return his memory by picking out something that another bump on the head will do, what can they use? Can you teach a old dog new tricks? they did try when mother Lurch comes to visit, i't was good to see Ted Cassidy in more than just a small role and try to smile which was a bit creepy and turn on the charm with Morticia.
__________________ " I have seen trees that look like tortured souls" |
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![]() The Addams Family. Thing Is Missing. After falling out with everyone, Thing goes missing until a ransom note appears and the family believe he has been Thing-Napped and the family hire a private detective to help. Crisis In The Addams Family. Fester's antics cause problems in the household and their insurance won't pay out, Gomez makes Fester take responsibility and tells him to get a Job, Fester becomes a insurance salesman. Morticia The Breadwinner. With the Stock Exchange in crisis, Fester and Morticia hear Gomez say "Stock and Broke", thinking the family is broke everyone chips in when in fact the family still have their fortune and Gomez trying to buy a piece of rail road. The Addams Family And The Spaceman. While star gazing, Pugsley sets off a rocket that people think is a spaceship crash landing near the Addams House, two investigators look into what is going on while Morticia and Gomez mistake the investigators as spacemen and vice versa. My Son The Chimp. A monkey makes friends with Pugsley who hasn't told the family, Uncle Fester is practicing magic and thinks he has turned Pugsley in to a monkey. Morticia's Favourite Charity. The family decide to donate their personnel belongings to charity but what can they part with? Progress And The Addams Family. City commissioner Mr Henson informs the family their house in condemned Gomez puts up a fight to prove their family home is safe and strong and a new road can't pass through their property. These episodes I remember seeing especially with Gomez putting in a bid for the railroad that Morticia has the deeds for and are unaware who is selling and buying and Uncle Fester and Thing putting in their bids while Gomez thinks he has struck a good deal.
__________________ " I have seen trees that look like tortured souls" Last edited by MrBarlow; 18th July 2021 at 08:56 PM. |
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![]() 1998 UK Biggest Hits Whilst this wasn't my favorite year for Music, I was quite shocked that Robbie Williams, Angels and All Saints, Never Ever were low down on the list, I could have sworn that those 2 songs would have been Top 5 at least. I was even more shocked that the Pras, Mya & ODB song, Ghetto Supersta was Number 9. |
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![]() The Addams Family. Uncle Fester's Toupee Uncle Fester has a pen pal who is coming to visit, only thing is he has told his pen pal he is a sportsman with a good head of hair. Morticia and Gomez search for a wig salesman and find the right hair piece for Fester. Cousin Itt and the Vocational Counselor Cousin Itt needs a job, Morticia thinks he be a great marriage counselor, so she and Gomez act as a couple in need of help. Things go wrong and the couple actually fall out, they seek help from a doctor who insists Itt has a big I.Q and says what job would suit Cousin Itt. Lurch, the Teenage Idol Gomez records Lurch mumbling while playing the Harpsichord and sends it to a radio show, Lurch then becomes a pop sensation, can he handle the popularity? The Winning of Morticia Addams Fester reads a article about happy couples and believes Morticia and Gomez are happy but extremely happy and gets the family involved to make them miserable. They hire a doctor who brings problems to the family when he tries to seduce Morticia. My Fair Cousin Itt Wednesday's birthday is coming up, Gomez wants to put on a play, The Addams version of Romeo and Juliette with a acclaimed director of broadway who's career has fallen, he is happy to be paid but unhappy when Itt is in the lead role and after help from Morticia with his talking he becomes a snob. Morticia's Romance: Part 1 Gomez and Morticia's wedding anniversary is looming and they tell the tale on how they met, Gomez was set up to be with Orphelia, Morticia's sister who Gomez was not attracted to instead he had eyes for Morticia. Morticia's Romance: Part 2 During a thunderstorm, the children want to hear how Morticia and Gomez got together and how Uncle Fester came into the family. This is the end of Season 1 and start of Season 2 and half way through the boxset, the first season does have it's laughs and how the family can't take anything serious, this was something I should have bought long ago before now.
__________________ " I have seen trees that look like tortured souls" |
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![]() The Avengers - You'll Catch Your Death Top government officials die from sneezing fits. The only connection is an empty envelope next to all the bodies. Naturally Steed and Tara are enlisted by 'Mother' to investigate. (See pic below) A fun episode, aren't they all? However the real reason for posting this is to say the episode from StudioCanal's The Avengers the Complete Collection dvd box set looked better than some Blu-Ray's i've seen. |
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![]() The Addams Family Morticia Meets Royalty Gomez's Aunt Princess Millicent comes to visit and looks like love is in the air for Thing when he meets Millicent's handmaiden Lady Fingers. Gomez, the People's Choice When the tax for the family house comes in and it's a low number, Gomez decides it's too low and should be higher, and believes their government is corrupt, Morticia decides Gomez should run for office. Cousin Itt's Problem Cousin Itt returns from over seas holiday with a dog, he finds he is loosing his hair and Fester decides to get a new chemistry set so he can invent a new tonic to stop baldness. Halloween - Addams Style Wednesday is upset after being told witches don't exist, Grandma decides to conjure up Aunt Singe who was a witch by using Lurch to voice her in a seance. Morticia, the Writer Gomez and Morticia are appalled by the school system when the kids return home with books where, Goblins, Dragons and Witches are portrayed as evil, Morticia decides she wants to write a book. Morticia, the Sculptress Morticia announces she is bored and decides to try build a sculpture neglecting her family Gomez tries to get her attention and stop what she is doing. Who would vote for a brainless person to be in politics....oh wait that did happen in 2017 in America and in 2019 Britain, I'd still vote for Gomez, he may run things down but it be a laugh.Think the writers decided to add in more laughs for this second season, Morticia the writer and Sculptress seemed to be the same but in different hobbies that Gomez just became a bit annoying and funny at the same time.
__________________ " I have seen trees that look like tortured souls" |
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Been perusing Rick & Morty V. Shaky start imho, but it settles quickly into the usual mayhem.
__________________ [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] [B] "... the days ahead will be filled with struggle ... and coated in marzipan ... "[/B] |
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Wild Man to Ironman A documentary on Matthew Pritchard of Dirty Sanchez fame doing a triathlon across Wales. Showing this journey while also looking at what he was like during DS. It's pretty cool to see a man who used to tenderise his leg and smash glass bottles of his head doing something so exhausting. Sent from my PRA-LX1 using Tapatalk
__________________ It says here you're a HERETIC |
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Watching Season one of Schitts Creek, was going too give up after first couple of episodes it's getting better but no where as good as people make out but it's supposed to get better after first season and a rare beast that got better each season. One question is David supposed too be straight? His slept with the reception girl but I'm not convinced at all that he is! Last edited by trebor8273; 20th July 2021 at 09:27 PM. |
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