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Old 31st July 2021, 02:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs View Post
Is Krypton tied up at the end or didn't they know they'd be canceled?
It was left open for another season,
" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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Old 31st July 2021, 03:08 PM
Demdike@Cult Labs's Avatar
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Originally Posted by MrBarlow View Post
It was left open for another season,
Unfortunately that's not worth buying it then. It's not so bad if they tie up most of the loose ends but if it's left open than it's unsatisfactory when coming to a possible purchase.

Good to know though, thanks.
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Old 31st July 2021, 11:04 PM
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The Simpsons: Season 1

Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire
Christmas time in Springfield, Homer doesn't get his bonus pay and has to rely on the savings jar which Marge uses to remove a tattoo that Bart Gets and Lisa asks for a pony. Homer takes up a second job and goes to the races and comes home with a dog.

Bart the Genius
Bart cheats on a exam and is sent to a gifted school where Homer showers him with praise until Bart admits he cheated.

Homer's Odyssey
Homer is fired from the nuclear power plant, he starts a campaign on safety and gets his job back at the nuclear power plant as safety engineer.

There's No Disgrace Like Home
After a dismal time at his boss's party by his family, Homer looks to psychologist Dr Marvin Monroe for help that does not go well.

Bart the General
Bart is being bullied by Nelson Muntz and enlists help from Grandpa and Herman to build a army and attack Nelson with water balloons.

Moaning Lisa
Lisa feels sad and unmotivated till she meets fellow saxophone player Bleeding Gums Murphy.
(Guest Voice Ron Taylor)

The Call of the Simpsons
Homer decides to get a camper van and take a trip to the wilderness, when things go wrong Homer is mistaken for bigfoot while baby Maggie makes friends with a bear.
(Guest Voice Albert Brooks)

The Telltale Head
Bart decapitates the head of town founder Jebidiah Springfield to impress some bullies.

Life on the Fast Lane
Homer gets a bowling ball instead of a birthday present for Marge, Marge goes bowling and meets a man to which she contemplates on having a affair with.
(Guest Voice Albert Brooks)

Homer's Night Out
On a night out Homer is photographed with a exotic dancer, he is kicked out of the house and is encouraged by Marge to show Bart on how to treat women and respect them.

The Crepes of Wrath
Bart is sent to France on a exchange programme while the Simpsons get a Albanian who turns out to be a spy for a terrorist organisation.

Krusty Gets Busted
Krusty is arrested for armed robbery, Bart and Lisa feel he was set up and go in search on who set him up which turns out to be his assistant Sideshow Bob.
(Guest Voice Kelsey Grammer)

Some Enchanted Evening
Homer and Marge decide to go out and leave Bart, Lisa and Maggie with a babysitter who turns out to be a robber.
(Guest Voice Penny Marshall)

God I feel old watching this season seeing as it's 31 years old but still brings some good laughs even with Bart making his cranks calls to Moe, I can't remember how many seasons I have of the Simpsons but looks like got new viewing for a short time

" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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Old 1st August 2021, 03:52 PM
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Season 2.

This season we see the middle Ewing and Lucy's farther Gary return , Bobbys first love returns back to Dallas with a young daughter who might be Bobbys , Bobby is Kidnapped, Miss Ellie's long last brother turns up wanting South Folk, J.Rs and Bobbys planes crashes , important files that could spell but trouble for Ewing oil dissappear and JR frames Cliff for Murder, Sue Ellen has a affair with Cliff and she later finds out she is pregnant, with equal chances that either JR or Cliff could be the farther. Lucy turns to drugs after a failed love affair and Sue Ellens drunken gets worse and in the two part season finally and she is put in a sanitarium , she escapes and is involved in serious car accident.

All very enjoyable , OTT escapism with some surprisingly good acting, a nod has too goto the excellent performance that Linda Grey gives as Sue Ellen .
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Old 2nd August 2021, 12:33 AM
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The Simpsons: Season 2.

Bart Gets an F
Mrs Krabappel is fed up with Bart's lack of enthusiasm of learning tells him to pass or re-sit the 4th grade.

Simpson and Delilah
Homer finds a new hair restoring product but can afford it and decides to put it on his work medical insurance, when his hair is restored he gets promoted to a higher paid department in the power plant.
(Guest Voice: Harvey Fierstein)

Treehouse of Horror
Homer overhears Bart and Lisa tell each other Horror stories.
The family move into a haunted house, The family are abducted by aliens Kang and Kodos, Lisa tells the story of Edgar Allan Poe's The Raven.
(Guest Voice: James Earl Jones)

Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every Fish
due to bad publicity with a three eyed fish, Mr Burns decides to run for governor and change the law.

Dancin' Homer
Homer becomes the baseball's new dancing Mascot after heckling at a game.

Dead Putting Society
Trying to do one up on Ned Flanders, Homer bets him that Bart can beat Todd at a game of Mini Golf.

Bart vs. Thanksgiving
Bart has a arguement with the family at Thanksgiving and decides to run away with Santa's Little Helper.

Bart the Daredevil
After seeing daredevil Lance Murdock perform a stunt, bart decides he wants to be a daredevil and jump Springfield's Gorge.

Itchy & Scratchy & Marge
Maggie begins to imitate the violennce of Itchy and Scratchy forcing Marge to campaign about the violence but when she refuses to mention Michealangelo's David she is branded a hypocrite.

Bart Gets Hit by a Car
While skateboarding Bart is hit by a car driven by Mr Burns and hire attorney Lionel Hurtz to get compensation that backfires.

One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish
The family go to The Hungry Sumo restaurant, while there the chef tells Homer he has eaten poison, only has 24 hours to live Homer tries to do everything from his bucket list.

The Way We Was
When their television goes off, Marge and Homer tell the kids on how they first met and Marge was taken to the prom by Artie Ziff.
(Guest Voice: Jon Lovitz)

Homer vs. Lisa and the 8th Commandment
In Sunday school the kids are taught about hell and the Ten Commandments the family begin to break the 8th Thou Shalt Not Steal when Homer gets free cable.

Principal Charming
Homer tries to set up Principal Skinner with Selma only to fall for Patty, while Skinner is dating Patty he is ignored about the trouble making but it can't last forever.

Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?
when Grandpa has a heart attack and thinks the end is near, he tells Homer he has a brother Herb and the family set out to find him which doesn't go well for Herb.
(Guest Voice: Danny DeVito)

Bart's Dog Gets an F
After Santa's Little Helper becomes uncontrollable Homer demands the dog goes through behavioral classes or he is thrown out of the family home.
(Guest Voice:Tracey Ullman)

Old Money
Grandpa gets a girlfriend at the retirement home, when she passes away and leaves him a fortune he has no idea what to do with the money.
(Guest Voice: Audrey Meadows)

Brush with Greatness
When Homer gets stuck in a water slide and vows to go on a diet, he finds his old gym equipment and paintings Marge done, she enrolls in Art Class and Mr Burns commissions her to do a new portrait.
(Guest Voices: Jon Lovitz and Ringo Starr)

Lisa's Substitute
When Miss Hoover goes ill Lisa's class get a new substitute teacher when she begins to have a crush on. Bart decides to run for class president.
(Guest Voice: Dustin Hoffman)

The War of the Simpsons
Homer and Marge throw a party, while drunk Homer peers down Maude Flanders dress which forces Marge to go to counselling run by Reverend Lovejoy and Homer contemplates catching the biggest fish at the retreat. Back Home Bart and Lisa take advantage of Grandpa when he is left to babysit them.

Three Men and a Comic Book
Bart, Millhouse and Martin clubn together for a comic book Radioactive Man #1 but it can put their friendshipp to the test.
(Guest Voices: Cloris Leachman and Daniel Stern)

Blood Feud
When Mr Burns needs a blood transfusion, Bart has the same blood type and gives him what he needs, Homer becomes angry when Mr Burns does not return a proper thank you.

This is the start when we start to see lionel Hurtz, Doctor Nick and Kang and his sister Kodos who has a male voice with the Treehouse of Horror that the house in Bad Dream House looks like the Bates House and Amityville horror. house

" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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Old 2nd August 2021, 08:56 AM
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Been watching this Ted Lasso caper.
Some fun here as an murican "football" coach comes to the UK to manage a British team. Aside from the Man U references, this is mostly a fish out of water scenario. Halfway through it goes all serious and I'm getting a whiff of a Roy Of The Rovers ending (underdogs save the day etc).

"... the days ahead will be filled with struggle ... and coated in marzipan ... "[/B]
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Old 3rd August 2021, 12:57 AM
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The Simpsons: Season 3.

Stark Raving Dad
When Bart puts his lucky red hat in with a white wash, Homer goes to work in a pink shirt. Mr Burns sends Homer for a test with a psychiatrist, Bart fills the form out and Homer is sectioned and shares a room with a guy who thinks he is Michael Jackson.
(Guest Voice: Michael Jackson)

Mr. Lisa Goes to Washington
Lisa wins a political essay and is awarded a trip to Washington and becomes upset at how policy's are made and how the government work.

When Flanders Failed
Ned retires from the pharmaceutical company and opens his own store The Leftorium and slowly begins to go bankrupt until Homer steps in a helps the store be a success. Marge thinks Bart spends too much time in front of the television and decides to take up karate.

Bart the Murderer
Bart ends up with a bad day and may get worse when he lands at the door of mobster Fat Tony, when Principal Skinner goes missing Fat Tony shifts the blame to Bart.
(Guest Voices: Joe Mantegna, Neil Patrick Harris)

Homer Defined
Homer almost causes a meltdown at the plant and stops it by chance and hailed a hero, when tested he admits he just pressed a button.
(Guest Voices: Magic Johnson, Jon Lovitz)

Like Father, Like Clown
After inviting Krusty tThe Clown to dinner, the family are told how Krusty is estranged from his father Rabbi Hyman Krustofski, Bart and Lisa set ut to reunite them both
(Guest Voice: Jackie Mason)

Treehouse of Horror II
After trick or treating Bart, Lisa and Homer eat too much and have bad Dreams. The family pick up a Monkey's paw which brings bad luck. Bart has powers that every has to have happy thoughts and turns Homer into a jack in the box. Mr Burns wants a brain for his robot and uses Homer's instead.

Lisa's Pony
At a recital Homer upsets Lisa that she won't talk to him and he gets her a pony only to discover how expensive they are to keep, he decides to get a second job.

Saturdays of Thunder
Patty and Selma tests Homer's parenting on a quiz which he fails and helps Bart build a soap box derby racer against Martin and Nelson.

Flaming Moe's
When Homer goes to Moe's bar he concocts a drink which Moe steals and makes a profit from without letting Homer in for the cut until Homer tells everyone what's in the drink and everyone starts selling it.
(Guest Voice: Aerosmith)

Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk
Mr Burns decides to sell the power plant to German investors, when Homer's laziness catches up he is sacked and insults Mr Burns who wants to buy back the power plant.

I Married Marge
Marge maybe pregnant and when she leaves, Homer tells the story of when he and Marge got married and the birth of Bart.

Radio Bart
Bart receives a radio microphone for his birthday and pulls a prank by letting people of Springfield believe that someone has fallen down a well.
(Guest Voice: Sting)

Lisa the Greek
Lisa spends time with Homer watching the Superbowl games, unaware Homer is using her to place bets on the winning team.

Homer Alone
When Marge has a breakdown and spends a few days at a spa, Bart and Lisa stay with Patty and Selma while Homer is left to watch Maggie.

Bart the Lover
When Bart smashes the classroom fish tank with a Yo-Yo and given detention, he snoops around Mrs Krabapple's desk he finds a lonely heart ad in her name and decides to write to her, when she wants to meet he confesses to the family what he has done.

Homer at the Bat
The power plant workers qualify for the baseball team, Mr Burns hires nine professional players in order to win a bet.
Guest Voices: Wade Boggs, Jose Canseco, Roger Clemens, Ken Griffey Jr,
Don Mattingly, Steve Sax, Mike Scioscia, Ozzie Smith, Darryl Strawberry.

Separate Vocations
After taking a test to see their future jobs, Bart is credited to be a policeman, who becomes a school hall monitor while Lisa is reduced to being a homemaker and goes rebellious.

Dog of Death
After the family dog needs a operation, the family make a cut back and blame the dog who runs away and ends up being a attack dog for Mr Burns.

Colonel Homer
Homer finds himself at a bar after a arguement and becomes a manager to the waitress who wants to be a singer which Marge becomes jealous.
(Guest Voice: Beverly D'Angelo)

Black Widower
Aunt Selma starts dating a newly released prisoner Sideshow Bob, Bart thinks that Bob is out to kill Selma and tries to prove it.
(Guest Voice: Kelsey Grammer)

The Otto Show
Otto looses his job as the bus driver and Bart asks Marge and Homer if he can stay with them till he gets sorted which annoys Homer and Otto may have found a friend in Patty.
(Guest Voices: Harry Shearer, Christopher Guest, Michael McKean)

Bart's Friend Falls in Love
Millhouse falls for the new girl at school which Bart becomes jealous. Homer orders a new weight loss tape and instead gets a build your vocabulary tape instead.
(Guest Voice: Kimmy Robertson)

Brother, Can You Spare Two Dimes?
When Homer wins a payout from the power plant, Herb comes back asking for a loan on a idea that may help parents understand what their babies are saying.
(Guest Voice: Danny DeVito)

This season had it's moments of being funny and some episodes I didn't really laugh at very well, it was like the creators were slowly running out of ideas and jokes to put it. I did like Dog of Death and how the imitated A Clockwork Orange with that. Spinal Tap and Aerosmith in concert in two different episodes who can complain.

" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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Old 3rd August 2021, 04:28 PM
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Found the series Posh Nosh on the YT.

Still very silly. Richard E Grant & Arabella Weir play the Marchmonts, who have very definitive ideas about good grub
Short but sweet, sadly only lasted the once, unlike shite like Gary Tank Commander ahem. Fcuk the BBC. Ahem.

"... the days ahead will be filled with struggle ... and coated in marzipan ... "[/B]
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Old 5th August 2021, 08:25 PM
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Season 3.

A lot going on this season which ends with what is perhaps the greatest cliffhanger of all time , which led too a cultural phenomenon when a certain someone is shot.

The season starts with the newest Ewing, baby john being kidnapped! Digger takes ill, which leads to Pam and Cliff finding out they have a rare genetic disorder which will make it difficult for them too have children, Pam gets pregnant but loses the baby. J.R starts and affair with Sue Ellens sister,while She Ellen starts her own affair but is having problems connecting with her baby. Miss Ellie is diagnosed with cancer, JR schemes to ruin Cliff. The Ewings are set too lose everything thanks to JRs scheming but at the last minute Jrs plan succeeds and instead of being millionaires they are now billionaires. She Ellen wants a divorce, Jock is arrested for Murder , Digger dies and Pam finds out she is not a Barnes and we end with J.R being shot and with his many people he screwed over and upset , everyone has a motive , hell the way he treats Sue Ellen I would of shot him. Hagman is brilliant as JR the villian whom you love too hate, but at times there is a human side to him, like when he finds out the baby is his.

A fantastic season with so much going on. Pure escapism, far better than the boring and depressing soaps of the UK.
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Old 5th August 2021, 10:25 PM
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Dammit"! Treb.

You've had me looking at the complete series on dvd again. It's down to £75.

I know that's expensive but it's 14 series (ten of which i don't currently own), 357 episodes on 105 discs plus four movies.

When you think what Arrow and co are charging for a single film...they are practically giving this away.
trebor8273 and MrBarlow like this.
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