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Old 6th August 2021, 05:00 AM
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The Simpsons: Season 4

Kamp Krusty
Bart, Lisa and other kids of Springfield attend Kamp Krusty during their summer holidays, when the kids feel let down by Krusty and bullied by the camp councillors they revoke.

A Streetcar Named Marge
Marge stars in a stage musical of A Streetcar Named Desire but can't quite get the rage until Homer Annoys her. Maggie is placed in a day care centre and teams up with the other babies.
(Guest Voice: Jon Lovitz)

Homer the Heretic
Homer misses one day of church and starts his own religion, when his house catches fire, people of other faith come to rescue him.

Lisa the Beauty Queen
Homer enlists Lisa into a miss beauty pageant and to be spokesperson for Laramie Cigarettes.
(Guest Voice: Bob Hope)

Treehouse of Horror III
The Simpsons are told stories of a killer doll, a parody of King Kong called King Homer, and Bart accidentally raises the dead.

Itchy & Scratchy: The Movie
When Bart's behavior goes to far and the new Itchy and Scratchy movie due to be out Homer bans Bart from seeing it.

Marge Gets a Job
When the Simpson house need repairing and low funds, Marge gets a job at the power plant and Mr Burns becomes smitten with her.
(Guest Voice: Tom Jones)

New Kid on the Block
Bart falls for the new girl Laura who moves in next door, after being kicked out of a all you can eat restaurant Homer sues the owner.
(Guest Voices: Sara Gilbert, Pamela Reed)

Mr. Plow
After crashing both cars Homer gets a snow plow calling himself Mr Plow, competition arises with the Plow King Barney Gumble.
(Guest Voices: Linda Ronstadt, Adam West)

Lisa's First Word
With the family trying to get Maggie to speak, Homer and Marge reflect on Lisa's first word and what she said.
(Guest Voice: Elizabeth Taylor)

Homer's Triple Bypass
All the years of eating junk food, Homer needs a bypass, and insurance won't cover it, the family go to see Dr. Nick.

Marge vs. the Monorail
When Mr Burns pays the town a large fine $3 Million, the town can't decide on what to do, they are encouraged to build a monorail that has Homer being the driver but it runs into faults.
(Guest Voice: Leonard Nimoy)

Selma's Choice
After their Aunt Gladys passes away, Selma feels she wants to have a baby, after spending the day with Bart and Lisa at Duff Gardens she changes her mind and adopts a pet Iguana Jub Jub.

Brother from the Same Planet
After being let down by Homer for the last time, Bart enrolls in a big brother programme and gets a better role model and Homer joins the same programme and adopts a under privilege boy Pepi.

I Love Lisa
On Valentines day ralph Wiggum doesn't get any card until Lisa gives him one and he becomes infatuated with her and the kids perform in a stage show about Presidents forcing Lisa and ralph to be together.

After being arrested for drink driving, Marge forces Homer to give up drinking for a month. Lisa runs a test to see who is smarter, a hamster or Bart.

Last Exit to Springfield
Homer becomes union leader when the power plant cut off their dental plan when Lisa needs braces.
(Guest Voice: Joyce Brothers)

So It's Come to This: A Simpsons Clip Show
April fools day comes along which results Bart's prank putting Homer in a coma and the family reflect from past episodes.

The Front
After watching a disappointing episode of Itchy and Scratchy, Bart and Lisa decide to write their own Itchy and Scratchy cartoon.

Whacking Day
Bart is kicked out of Springfield Elementary and Marge tries to home school him. Lisa protests about a tradition of clubbing snakes.
(Guest Voice: Barry White)

Marge in Chains
Marge is arrested for shoplifting, when the town hold a annual baking sale, it erupts to chaos when Marge's cakes are not on sale forcing Mayor Quimby to pardon Marge.

Krusty gets Cancelled
Krusty looses his time slot to Gabbo, a ventriloquist. Broke, obese, drinking and gambling, Krusty turns to Bart and Lisa for help and they organise a come back special.
(Guest Voices: Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Bette Midler, Johnny Carson, Hugh Hefner, Luke Perry, Elizabeth Taylor)

This was a better season than the previous with more laughs and gags, Phil Hartman who voices Troy McClure, Lionel Hurtz, and Lyle Langley has more appearances, think this is when he starts to become more regular on the show.

" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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Old 7th August 2021, 11:49 PM
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The Simpsons: season 5

Homer's Barbershop Quartet
Bart and Lisa find a record with Homer, Apu, Skinner and Barney on it, Homer tells them the time he was in a small band called "The Be-Sharps".
(Guest Voice: George Harrison)

Cape Feare
Sideshow Bob is released from prison and tries to get revenge on Bart
(Guest Voice: Kelsey Grammer)

Homer Goes to College
A surprise inspection on the power plant shows Homer is not qualified for the job and has to go to college to get his degree.

Mr Burns wants his old stuffed teddy Bobo and Maggie is in possession of it.
(Guest Voices: The Ramones)

Treehouse of Horror IV
Homer sells his soul for one donut. Bart sees a monster on the side of the school bus and they do a tale of Dracula.

Marge on the Lam
Marge starts to hang out with neighbor Ruth Powers who has stolen a car. Homer decides to go out and leave the kids with Lionel Hutz.
(Guest Voices: Pamela Reed, George Fenneman)

Bart's Inner Child
Self help guru Brad Goodman encourages the town of Springfield to be more like Bart that results in chaos.
(Guest Voices: Albert Brooks, James Brown)

Boy Scoutz 'n the Hood
On a sugar frenzy, Bart signs up for the junior campers and invites Homer on a father-son rafting trip.
(Guest Voice: Ernest Borgnine)

The Last Temptation of Homer
Homer is attracted to a new female co worker Mindy and tries to avoid her, but Homer and Mindy are picked to be the spokespeople of the plant at a convention.
(Guest Voices: Michelle Pfeiffer, Werner Klemperer)

$pringfield (Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Legalized Gambling)
Springfield legalises gambling and Marge develops a problem neglecting the family.
(Guest Voice: Robert Goulet)

Homer the Vigilante
After a spate of burglaries, Homer forms his own vigilante group.
(Guest Voice: Sam Neil)

Bart Gets Famous
Bart becomes Krusty's new assistant and fills in for Sideshow Mel and becomes a instant star.
(Guest Voice: Conan O'Brien)

Homer and Apu
Homer gets Apu fired from the Kwik E Mart and tries to help get his job back which doesn't go well.
(Guest Voice: James Woods)

Lisa vs. Malibu Stacy
Lisa gets the new talking Malibu Stacey doll but feels the doll maybe be sexist.
(Guest Voice: Kathleen Turner)

Deep Space Homer
NASA decides they want to send a ordinary man to space and they pick Homer.
(Guest Voice: Buzz Aldrin)

Homer Loves Flanders
Ned wins tickets to a big football game and invites Homer who becomes very possessive with his new found friendship with Ned.

Bart Gets an Elephant
In a radio call Bart wins a elephant that begins to cost too much for the family.

Burns' Heir
After a near death experience Mr Burns decides he needs a heir and picks out Bart. Marge and Homer believe Mr Burns to be a bad influence on Bart and hire Lionel Hutz to get Bart back.

Sweet Seymour Skinner's Baadasssss Song
After show and tell with Santa's Little Helper, Bart gets Principal Skinner fired and Ned takes over being principal while Bart and Skinner become friends.

The Boy Who Knew Too Much
Bart witnesses a fight at the Quimby compound and a french waiter is found beaten, will Bart testify he saw what actually happened and admit he skipped school.

Lady Bouvier's Lover
Grampa falls for Marge's mum only to have competition from Mr Burns.

Secrets of a Successful Marriage
Homer begins teaching a class on having a successful marriage only to let slip some secrets which angers Marge.

this was a laugh, Bart able to make fun of his grandparents, Abe Simpson trying to pull of the end of the film The Graduate and Bart Simpson's Dracula and a rendition of Twilight Zone,: Nightmare at 20.000 feet but here it's night mare at three and a half feet. We see Bumble bee man actually speaking English only for a short time and Marge finally realizing they need to stop hiring Lionel Hutz.

" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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Old 8th August 2021, 09:35 AM
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Originally Posted by MrBarlow View Post
The Simpsons: season 5
This is possibly my favourite season. The Cape Feare episode is genius, with outstanding voice acting from Kelsey Grammer, Rosebud shows how cineliterate the writers are and their appreciation for Citizen Kane, the Treehouse of Horror is brilliant, and other episodes have some of the best dialogue ever written for TV.

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Old 10th August 2021, 08:17 PM
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The Simpsons: Season 6

Bart Of Darkness
During the summer holidays, Bart breaks his leg and is given a telescope and uses it to spy on his neighbours and believes Ned has murdered his wife Maud.

Lisa's Rival
Lisa becomes jealous when a new girl Alison is smarter than what she is. Homer thinks he has struck gold when he obtains a massive amount of sugar and whats to sell it.
(Guest Voice: Winona Ryder)

Another Simpsons Clip Show
The family sit together and talk about tales of past love that they all have encountered.

Itchy & Scratchy Land
The family head off for a vacation to Itchy and Scratchy where things don't go to plan and the attractions start attacking.

Sideshow Bob Roberts
Sideshow Bob is released from prison and decides to run for Mayor, Bart and Lisa look into how he actually won the vote.
(Guest Voices: Kelsey Grammer, Larry King)

Treehouse of Horror V
The Simpsons take a job at a hotel run by Mr Burns with no beer or cable Homer starts to go crazy. Homer tries to fix the toaster and ends up time travelling. The school teachers slowly become cannibals and eat the school pupils.
(Guest Voice: James Earl Jones)

Bart's Girlfriend
Bart falls for Reverend Lovejoy's daughter Jessica who he finds out she is just as bad as he is.
(Guest Voice: Meryl Streep)

Lisa On Ice
Lisa is failing at P.E. and signs up for little league hockey only to compete against Bart in a hockey game.

Homer Badman
Homer is accused of being a pervert after the babysitter thinks Homer groped her when he was removing a jelly sweet from her and tries to clear his name. Groundskeeper Wullie comes to his rescue with video footage.

Grampa vs. Sexual Inadequacy
When Marge and Homer try to spice up their sex life, Grampa creates a formula that becomes a big hit.

Fear of Flying
Marge develops a fear of flying and goes to therapy and discovers a memory from when she was younger and why she has the fear.
(Guest Voices: Ted Danson, Woody Harrleson, George Wendt, Rhea Perlman, John Ratzenberger, Anne Bancroft)

Homer the Great
Homer joins a secret cult and discovers he is the chosen leader.
(Guest Voice: Patrick Stewart)

And Maggie Makes Three
The family ask why there is no pictures of Maggie and he tells the story of when Marge became pregnant with Maggie.

Bart's Comet
After a prank gone wrong. Bart has to do detention with Principal Skinner doing astronomy and discovers a comet that is on a collision course with Springfield.

Homie the Clown
Homer decides to enroll in Krusty The Clown's Clown college.
(Guest Voices: Dick Cavett, Joe Mantegna)

Bart Vs. Australia
Bart does a collect call prank to Australia and refuses to pay the bill and is forced to apologise to fix a political relations.

Homer Vs. Patty and Selma
Homer borrows money from Marge's sisters which they feel they can humiliate him and they won't tell Marge. Bart discovers he has a talent for ballet.
(Guest Voices: Mel Brooks, Susan Sarandon)

A Star Is Burns
Springfield hold their own movie festival with a movie critic, Mr Burns feels he can win if he bribed the judges.
(Guest Voice: Jon Lovitz)

Lisa's Wedding
At a resonance fair, Lisa is shown the future where she sees her wedding.
(Guest Voice: Mandy Patinkin)

Two Dozen and One Greyhounds
Santa's little helper new mate has puppies and Mr Burns wants to steal them in order to make a new fur coat.

The PTA Disbands
After a disagreement from a field trip, the teachers go on strike and the parents fill in for the teachers.

Round Springfield
Bart accidentally swallows a toy and has to get a operation. Lisa comes across her idol Bleeding Gums Murphy who is also in hospital.
(Guest Voices: Steve Allen, Ron Taylor.

The Springfield Connection
Marge joins the Springfield police and discovers corruption from Cheif Wiggum to Mayor Quimby.

Lemon Of Troy
When Shelbyville kids steal The lemon Tree of Springfield, the kids rally together to get the tree back.

Who Shot Mr Burns: Part 1
Elementary school has struck oil, Mr Burns steals it and enrages the town until he is shot, who shot him?

This was a great season that parodied some good films like Westworld, Rear Window that James Stewart makes a small appearance. The Shining and tv shows like Dallas with who shot Mr Burns and a episode from Ray Bradbury's theatre show. The laughs seem to come more and more frequent and last time we see Bleeding Gums Murphy. I remeber when BBC 2 done The Simpsons Night and Lisa's Wedding was the episode that seemed to be everyone's favourite episode.

" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"

Last edited by Nosferatu@Cult Labs; 10th August 2021 at 08:31 PM.
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Old 11th August 2021, 07:42 PM
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Found Danger Theatre on the YT!
Robert Vaughn hosts tales of derring do and the like. Still just very silly

See for yourselves ...


"... the days ahead will be filled with struggle ... and coated in marzipan ... "[/B]
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Old 13th August 2021, 12:41 AM
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The Simpsons: Season 7

Who Shot Mr. Burns? Part Two
While Mr Burns lies in hospital and everyone a suspect, the police look into the Simpson's family.

Radioactive Man
Millhouse stars as Fall Out Boy in the new Radioactive Man film that's being made in Springfield.
(Guest Voice: Mickey Rooney)

Home Sweet Home-Dum-Diddly Doodily
Marge and Homer loose custody of the kids who are sent to live with the Flanders family.

Bart Sells His Soul
Bart writes his soul on a piece of paper and sells it to Millhouse. Moe feels he needs a boost in his pub and decides to create a family friendly restaurant.

Lisa the Vegetarian
After visiting a petting zoo Lisa decides to become a vegetarian while Homer throws a BBQ.
(Guest Voices: Paul and Linda McCartney)

Treehouse of Horror VI
After a lightning strike the advertisements come to life. The kids are terrorised by Wullie in their dreams and Homer enters the 3D world.

King Size Homer
Homer realises if he weighs over 300 pounds he can work from home, but being obese it comes with more problems than he thought.

Mother Simpson
After faking his own death Homer is reunited with his mother and finds out where she has been.
(Guest Voices: Glenn Close, Harry Morgan)

Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming
Sideshow Bob escapes from prison and declares if television is not abolished he will detonate a bomb at a airshow.
(Guest Voices: R. Lee Ermey, Kelsey Grammer)

The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular!
Actor Troy McClure hosts a t.v. spin off highlighting past seasons.

Marge Be Not Proud
When the new game Bonestorm 4 is released and the savings for Christmas is almost spent, Bart wants the game and ends up stealing it.
(Guest Voice: Lawrence Tierney)

Team Homer
Homer, Moe, Apu and Otto form a bowling team that was funded by Mr Burns who wants to be on the team. After Bart wears a T-shirt from Mad Magazine, the school introduces proper uniforms.

Two Bad Neighbors
Former President George W. Bush moves in across from the Simpsons and slowly battling things out.

Scenes from the Class Struggle in Springfield
Marge buys a new dress and meets a old school friend who invites the family to a country club and tries hard to impress and fit in with her new friends.

Bart the Fink
Bart and Lisa open new bank accounts, Bart tries to get Krusty to sign one and ends up ratting him out for tax fraud.
(Guest Voice: Bob Newhart)

Lisa the Iconoclast
The town in celebrating Jebidiah Springfield's birthday but Lisa finds out that Jebidiah may be a liar.
(Guest Voice: Donald Sutherland)

Homer the Smithers
Smithers is forced to take a holiday and gets Homer to fill in for him.

The Day the Violence Died
Bart befriends a man who claims he created Itch and Scratchy and helps him prove it.
(Guest Voices: Alex Rocco, Kirk Douglas)

A Fish Called Selma
Washed up actor Troy McClure dates Selma and his career starts going again but may come at a bigger price.
(Guest Voice: Jeff Goldblum)

Bart on the Road
Bart fakes a driving license while at the DMV with Patty and Selma, Bart is joined by Martin, Millhouse and Nelson on a road trip. Lisa spends time with Homer at the power plant.

22 Short Films About Springfield
A series of short clips shows the people of Springfield in a day.

Raging Abe Simpson and His Grumbling Grandson in 'The Curse of the Flying Hellfish'
When a WWII platoon member of grampa and Mr Burns dies, Grampa tries his best to stop Mr Burns from stealing a priceless art collection.

Much Apu About Nothing
Apu's immigration status may be up and Homer tries to help him stay in the country.

Homer discovers he can take a cannonball to the stomach and joins a freak show.
(Guest Voices: Cyprus Hill, Smashing Pumpkins, Sonic Youth)

Summer of 4'2"
Lisa decides to change her image while on holiday to a beach house owned by the Flanders household.
(Guest Voice: Christina Ricci)

This one had a few laughs, The Halloween special seemed a bit boring except their version of A Nightmare on Elm St and does mention the film Tron but very little laughs. Tt does make a goof about Mr Burns who doesn't know how to drive yet in a previous episode he offers to take Homer home, bit of sloppy writing there, they did do a good parody of Planet of the apes though.

" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"

Last edited by MrBarlow; 13th August 2021 at 04:37 AM.
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Old 13th August 2021, 06:13 AM
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Originally Posted by MrBarlow View Post
The Simpsons: Season 6

Who Shot Mr Burns: Part 1
Elementary school has struck oil, Mr Burns steals it and enrages the town until he is shot, who shot him?
Originally Posted by MrBarlow View Post
The Simpsons: Season 7

Who Shot Mr. Burns? Part Two
While Mr Burns lies in hospital and everyone a suspect, the police look into the Simpson's family
There was a one-off special that was broadcast between these two episodes. Aired in September 1996, 'Springfield's Most Wanted' was a parody episodes of 'America's Most Wanted'

This special was designed to help people find out who shot Mr. Burns, by laying out the potential clues and identifying the possible suspects. It features live action appearances from former L.A police chief Daryl Gates and predictions from Dennis Franz, Courtney Thorne-Smith, Kevin Nealon, Chris Elliott, and Andrew Shue. Also included was Jimmy Vaccaro of The Mirage casino and hotel in Las Vegas, who had been taking bets on the shooter's identity

The special was criticized for taking the publicity of the episode too far with several people criticizing special host John Walsh's credibility and describing the episodes as being noting more than a gimmick.

The episodes averaged an 8.4 Nielsen Rating and finished 50th in the United States in the ratings for the week of September 11–17, 1995
People try to put us down
Just because we get around

Golly, Gee! it's wrong to be so guilty
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Old 14th August 2021, 10:05 PM
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The Simpsons: Season 8

Treehouse of Horror VII
Bart and Lisa discover Bart's mutated Siamese twin in the attic. Lisa is classed s a god after creating life for a science project. Aliens Kang and Kodos plan to take over the planet.

You Only Move Twice
Homer is offered a new job in Cyprus Creek unaware his new boss is a criminal mastermind.
(Guest Voice: Albert Brooks)

The Homer They Fall
When Homer takes a beaten and feels fine he discovers a talent for boxing with Moe as his manager.
(Guest Voices: Paul Winfield, Michael Buffer)

Burns, Baby Burns
Mr Burns discovers he has a son Larry and is not what he expected him to be.
(Guest Voice: Rodney Dangerfield)

Bart After Dark
After breaking a gargoyle at a mansion Bart is sent to work there and discovers it is a house of Burlesque and Marge leads a campaign to shut it down.

A Milhouse Divided
When Kirk and Luann Van Houten announce their divorce, Homer starts to question his own marriage.

Lisa's Date with Density
Lisa develops a crush on school bully Nelson Muntz and Homer gets a autodialler and tries to scam people.

Hurricane Neddy
A hurricane destroys the Flanders house, Ned is committed to a psychiatric unit and forced to look at his past.
(Guest Voice: Jon Lovitz)

El Viaje Misterioso de Nuestro Jomer
At a chilli bake off, Homer eats the spiciest chilli and begins to hallucinate.

The Springfield Files
When Homer claims to have seen a alien, F.B.I. Agents Moulder and Scully investigate the thruth.
(Guest Voices: Leonard Nimoy, David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson)

The Twisted World of Marge Simpson
Marge enters a business of Pretzels, when she has competition, Homer helps out by seeing Fat Tony for a favour.
(Guest Voice: Joe Mantenga)

Mountain of Madness
After a failed fire drill, Mr Burns wants the workers on a retreat of team building, Mr Burns teamed with Homer get caught in a avalanche.

Simpsoncalifragilisticexpiala(Annoyed Grunt)cious
Stressed out with everything and Marge loosing her hair, the family hire a nanny Shary Bobbins.

The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show
With Itchy and Scratchy being boring, the creators create a new character Poochie the dog to which Homer becomes the voice of.
(Guest Voice: Alex Rocco)

Homer's Phobia
Marge and Homer befriend a store owner John, when Marge points out John may be gay and hangs around the family, Homer begins to worry what impression it would make on Bart and intends to man him up.
(Guest Voice: John Waters)

Brother from Another Series
Sideshow Bob is released from jail into a work programe with his brother Cecile, Bart thinks Bob is up to no good.
(Guest Voice: David Hyde Pierce)

My Sister, My Sitter
Lisa becomes the top babysitter in town and her patience is tested when she is forced to look after Bart and Maggie.

Homer vs. the 18th Amendment
On St. Patrick's day, Bart gets drunk and the town goes dry of Alcohol, Homer becomes a beer barron and Mayor Quimby hires a detective to find out who the barron is.
(Guest Voices: Joe Montenga, Dave Thomas)

Grade School Confidential
Bart discovers Principal Skinner and Mrs Krabapple kissing and soon lets out their secret.

The Canine Mutiny
Bart obtains a credit card and gets a new dog Laddie and lies when the repo men come and they take Santa's Little Helper instead of Laddie, soon he misses Santa's Little Helper and tries to get him back.

The Old Man and the Lisa
Mr Burns looses his fortune and forces Lisa to help him get his money back in recycling.
(Guest Voice: Bret "Hitman" Hart)

In Marge We Trust
Marge becomes the church Councillor "Listein Lady", Homer discovers his face on a Japanese washing box and seeks out how it happened.

Homer's Enemy
On a episode of Kent Broickman's people, he shows the story of frank Grimes who Mr Burns Hires, soon he becomes jealous of Homer.

The Simpsons Spin-Off Showcase
Troy McClure presents the town in a different show case, Grampa is turned into a love machine, Chief Wiggum becomes Wiggum P.I. and a variety show.

The Secret War of Lisa Simpson
After a prank destroys the town, Bart is sent to Military School where Lisa enrolls aswell.
(Guest Voice: Willem Dafoe)

This was a laughter and a bit of a maybe straight to the point season of how people were, in Homer's Phobia he befriends a man who is gay and quickly turns, think that was how a lot of people were back then, calling people queer and fruitty yet Homer eventually sticks up for him. I did like how they done a parody of a James Bond movie set in a volcano and imitating Goldfinger. Even the two brothers from Frasier do add in a few quotes from the show.

" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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Old 15th August 2021, 03:23 PM
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I know I said this before, but this is probably the pinnacle of The Simpsons. You Only Move Twice could be the best episode ever – Hank Scorpio is such a brilliant character, thanks in part to Albert Brooks' voice talent. Bart After Dark is more than the brilliant Grandpa .gif and We Put the Spring in Springfield song.

El Viaje Misterioso de Nuestro Jomer is a wonderful piece of storytelling, and I love both the animation and Johnny Cash providing the coyote's voice. The Springfield Files was really smart when it aired, capitalising on the popularity of The Simpsons and The X-Files to create fun for all the family, the songs in Simpsoncalifragilisticexpiala(Annoyed Grunt)cious are incredibly catchy and memorable, and it is a great homage to Mary Poppins.

I could go on, but you get the picture!

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Old 15th August 2021, 11:48 PM
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The Simpsons: Season 9

The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson
New law has been passed at designated driver, Barney has to stay sober and borrows Homer's car which was left abandoned in New York.

The Principal and the Pauper
Principal Seymour Skinner is thrown a party for his 20 year service in school and is discovered he is a fraud when the real Seymour Skinner turns up.
(Guest Voice: Martin Sheen)

Lisa's Sax
When Lisa's saxophone is destroyed, the family recount Bart's first day at school and how Lisa first got her Saxophone.
(Guest Voice: Fyvush Finkel)

Treehouse of Horror VIII
Homer battles mutants after a nuclear blast in The Homega Man. Homer buys a teleportation device which Bart goes through with a Fly. In Ye Olde Springfield Marge turns out to be a witch.

The Cartridge Family
After a riot, Homer buys a gun to protect the family which Marge disproves of and gives him a choice, the gun or his family.

Bart Star
After a report on obesity, the kids sign up for football coached by Ned, when Homer thinks Ned is not up to par, Homer decides to be coach and makes Bart unpopular with the team.
(Guest voices: Roy Firestone, Mike Judge, Joe Namath)

The Two Mrs. Nahasapeemapetilons
Apu receives a letter from his mother that he is due to be married, Homer has a idea...Apu tells his mother he is already married to Marge.

Lisa the Skeptic
On a school dig, Lisa things she has unearthed the bones of a angel and sets out to see if it's real.

Realty Bites
Marge begins to work for a estate agents run by Lionel Hutz and manages to sell the famous "Murder House". At a police auction Homer buys Little Bandit car that was owned by criminal Snake.

Miracle on Evergreen Terrace
Bart accidentally burns the christmas presents and fakes a story about being robbed and the townspeople help raise funds for the family.

All Singing, All Dancing
When Homer rents a musical version of Paint Your Wagon, the family reminisce about past episodes of everyone singing.

Bart Carny
Bart and Homer pay off a debt after a mishap at the carnival when the family take in the carny workers they are thrown out of their own home.
(Guest Voice: Jim Varney)

The Joy of Sect
A religious group called "Movementarians" brainwash the people, Marge tries to win back her family .

Das Bus
The kids on a field trip become stranded on a island, Homer tries to set up a online business.
(Guest Voice: James Earl Jones)

The Last Temptation of Krust
After a failed show Krusty decides to change image and do a stand up show.
(Guest Voices: Jay Leno, Bobcat Goldwaith, Jeanne Garofalo, Hank Williams Jr.

Dumbbell Indemnity
Homer helps Moe find love and when he does and funds are low, they come up with a insurance scam that goes wrong.
(Guest Voice: Helen Hunt)

Lisa the Simpson
Lisa fears she in loosing her intelligence until she realises the males of the Simpson Clan suffer it. Old Jasper decides to freeze himself using the Kwik E Mart's freezers.

This Little Wiggy
Bart is forced to play with Ralph Wiggum and hates it until he realises Chief Wiggum has the master key to every building in Springfield.

Simpson Tide
Homer, Barney, Apu and Moe sign up for the navy and causes a international incident.
(Guest Voice: Rod Steiger)

The Trouble with Trillions
Homer is forced to spy on Mr Burns for the I.R.S. as they believe Burns has a Trillion Dollar Note.
(Guest Voice: Paul Winfield)

Girly Edition
Bart and Lisa become news anchors aimed for children, Homer decides to get a monkey helper named Mojo.

Trash of the Titans: 200th episode.
Homer decides to become sanitation commissioner and ends up bankrupting the department and looks to gain the money back.
(Guest Voices: Steve martin, U2)
(Dedicated to Linda McCartney)

King of the Hill
After embarrassing Bart at a sunday service picnic, Homer vows to get into shape and is contacted by the company of Power Bars to climb Springfield's highest mountain.
(Guest Voices: Steven Webber, Brendan Fraser)

Lost Our Lisa
Lisa wants to see the new Egyptian display at the museum, Marge has to take Bart to the emergency room and Homer tells Lisa to take the bus but she ends up lost.

Natural Born Kissers
Homer and Marge try to spice up their life and realise the thrill of almost being caught gets them going, until they are nearly snagged at the mine golf course.

This was a good season of laughs, The Halloween episode done a version of the fly from the 50s with Bart and the spider that was done in the film. Otto driving the bus and the last words heard by him were Zeppelin Rules, which some of us would agree. The religious group that believe they will be saved by a UFO is a nod the the cult Heaven's Gate who believed that when they died they would be transported by a UFO to another planet.

Even though one episode was dedicated to Linda McCartney who died to breast cancer, this is the last time we see Lionel Hutz or Troy McClure speak as Phil Hartman who was murdered by his wife in a murder suicide, we do see the characters in later episodes but only in the background.
" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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