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Old 26th March 2022, 05:44 AM
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The League Of Gentlemen

Welcome To Royston Vasey
Benjamin comes to stay with his hygienic toad obsessed Aunt and Uncle. butcher Hilary Briss selling some "Special" stuff to some customers. Pre-op transsexual Barbara is looking forward to getting her operation. Mr. Chinnery is the local vet who is very incompetent at his job. Pauline is starting a re-start back to work and has a hatred for one in her class. Business Men, Brian Geoff and mike head to the pub to tell each other jokes. Edward and Tubbs run the local shop who hate visitors.

The Road To Royston Vasey
Benjamin is unsuccessful in trying to find his friend Martin. Posh housewife Judee Levinson is heading to her holiday and complains to her housekeeper Iris. Hilary Briss is selling more "Special" offers to his clients. Pauline holds a workshop role which results in Ross getting targeted again. Two workers arrive at the shop to serve notice about a new road that doesn't end well.

Nightmare In Royston Vasey
Pauline is upset that some one has taken her precious pens. Benjamin has a unpleasant breakfast when his Uncle gives him a lecture about drinking one's own water. Vet Mr Chinnery treats a tortoise that doesn't end well. Magistrate maurice is still not tempted by Hilary's offer. A workman shows Tubbs a atlas forcing Edward to take drastic actions to stop the new road.

The Beast Of Royston Vasey
A creature has been unearthed and Mr Chinnery believes it's a new species until it's revealed what it is. dramatic group Legz Akimbo arrive to put on a show for children which angers the local reverend Bernice Woodall. Benjamin is left to look after his twin cousins who has a unfortunate accident with a toad. Stella and Charlie Hull arrive at a restaurant for a meal and end up bickering.

Love Comes To Royston Vasey
Brian is set to wed Cheryl and geoff is the best man and the speech goes well until Geoff does something daft. Benjamin wants to leave and rings Babas cabs but gets the iinfo mixed up. Stump hole a cave tour guide Mike gives a tour and seems traumatised by a accident that happened there. Maurice arrives for his "special"stuff and Hilary unlocks his freezer to hand it to him.

Escape from Royston Vasey
Edward andd Tubbs son David comes back which shocks the shopkeepers. Mr Chinnery arrives at Tinsel farm to help with the birthing of a calf that doesn't go well, in front of a school class. Pauline is dismissed from her workshop class for her abusive behavior. Barbara arrives at the hospital for her operation and gets a surprise new doctor. Benjamin is set to leave his aunt and uncle's house and receives a present...a bill.

After not watching these for a while you actually forget how funny it is, Britbox does come up with the disclosure of past humour and may be offensive but you can't help but laugh at the jokes. It does make you wonder how Mr Chinnery did pass vet school, Uncle Harvey does give a good lecture on drinking urine that gross you out yet it's comical, just glad i wasn't drinking.

" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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Old 26th March 2022, 06:30 AM
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Originally Posted by MrBarlow View Post
The League Of Gentlemen
One of the best and most consistent comedy shows ever made

"We didn't burn him"!
People try to put us down
Just because we get around

Golly, Gee! it's wrong to be so guilty
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Old 26th March 2022, 07:45 AM
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Originally Posted by Susan Foreman View Post
One of the best and most consistent comedy shows ever made

"We didn't burn him"!
Defiantly, some people aren't fond of it yet I think it's hysterical.

I am a lady.. this is a shop
" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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Old 26th March 2022, 10:46 PM
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The league Of Gentlemen: Season 2.

Destination: Royston Vasey
Now unemployed, Pauline joins Mickey on the re-start course and manages to get on the wrong side of the course worker Cathy Carter-Smith. The circus comes to town run by Papa Lazarou who is able to hypnotize women and they become his wife. After her operation, Barbara decides to join the circus as one of their new freaks. Uncle Harvey gets a new toad which grants wishes, Aunty Val uses it to get Benjamin back who has escaped Edward and Tubbs clutches. Hilary Briss still selling his special meat refuses to sell some to Mr Collier and says he will be reported to the local police inspetor who turns out to be a special customer, over a period of time the residents begin to have nose bleeds.

Lust for Royston Vasey
German teacher Herr Lipp arrives with his class on a exchange programme and becomes smitten with young Justin. Dr. chinnery tries to do some dentist work on a Iguana that does not go well with a pond full of fish. Benjamin is slowly nursed back by Harvey and Val through singing. Pauline and Mickey work at a fast food shop that does not end well when they are spotted on CCTV doing something to Ross's order. The local B&B is closed for a private swinging orgy. A man calls upon the shop and becomes a new playmate for David. The local hospital has a doctor who tells his patients the bad news in describing films. Shop owner Pops is happy his son has brought a girl over that makes her feel uncomfortable. The nose bleed outbreak still continues.

A Plague on Royston Vasey
A young couple rent a room from Pops who seems to want more money from them. Charlie and Stella babysit their niece only to keep arguing in front of her. Edward and Tubbs decide that David should marry and keep their shop going and try to catch a local no-tail. Maurice wants some Special stuff for his wife which enrages Hilary that the food is for men only. Creme Bulee member les is asked to be the hospital DJand all he seems to play is their songs which some patients are happy to walk out on. Pauline contronts Ross at the job centre where she and Mickey take him hostage.

Death in Royston Vasey
Harvey and Val convince Benjamin it's their nude day and answers the door naked to the doctor who knows when their nude day is and try to get a strong sedative for Benjamin. Brian, Mike and Geoff are on their way to a conference and end up lost in the woods. Dr. Chinnery tries to help a poodle with wind that ends badly for the dog. Iris is fed up of Mrs Levison's boating about her lifestyle and Iris reminds her of where her daughter is. Edward and Tubbs steal a landrover and use it in a attempt to kidnap a no tail for David. Mayor Vaughn goes on television to address the nose bleeds and is asked one thing by his P.A....don't swear.

Anarchy in Royston Vasey
Brian, Mike and Geoff arrive at their conference a bit worse for wear. Les sees a notice for Creme Brulee and wants to help finance a comeback tour. Herr Lipp tries to seduce young Justin even more that fails. Pauline is arrested after Mickey makes a mistake by setting Ross free. Edward and Tubbs may have found a bride for David, Barbara. There may be a answer as to what is causing the nosebleeds.

Royston Vasey and the Monster from Hell
Royston Vasey is put under martial law, Mayor Vaughn suggests a distraction and Legz Akimbo return to put on a show. Iris reveals a secret to Mrs Levinson. Hilary Briss makes a run from it after Maurice's wife is arrested for selling tainted meat. Benjamin has managed to escape and has flashbacks of his capture by Edward and Tubbs and the villagers believe the local shop to be the source of the plague while Barbara and David are getting married. Dr. Chinnery has another accident this time with a Falcon set to be released into the wild.

This second season just gets funnier and funnier, even with Roy Chubby Brown making a appearance as the Mayor, you know he is going to swear and when he does it's still funny. Wonder if you do get doctors that tell their patients bad news and start asking them if the see films where a character dies, new approach to giving out bad news . What goes from Green to Red in a flick of a switch?
" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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Old 27th March 2022, 03:54 AM
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The league of Gentlemen: Series 3.

The Lesbian And The Monkey
Pauline is out of Prison and is staying with Mickey only to be a informer for Ross on Mickey and his brother's income. Dr. Carlton thinks his patients are faking their illnesses and invites them to his house. Peter Foot is wanting a dress rehearsal for his funeral. Barbara is now pregnant with David's baby, Edward and Tubbs managed to survive the fire of the shop but are hit by a train.

The One-Armed Man Is King
Joke shop owner Lance who has only one arm, visits Mike the hospital DJ and tries to get him fitted with a arm. Debt collectors Glenn and Big Barry get a tough lesson on their work from their boss in which Barry takes things to far.

Turn Again Geoff Tipps
Geoff has been laid off from his job and goes to London to try stand up comedy which doesn't work out well to the point he steals Legz Akimbo van and drives back to Royston Vasey. Legz Akimbo tried to do a show on disabled that did go well for the trio.

The Medusa Touch
The Windermere B&B are preparing for a sexual weekend although Alvin doesn't want to be involved, he goes to the garden center where he is attracted to a young worker there. Everyone is introduced to the Medusa Machine a Auto-erotic Asphyxiation machine that suffocates everyone.

Beauty and the Beast (or Come Into My Parlor)
A professor arrives to do a poll in Royston Vasey to do a poll on females, after his first question he gets knocked back. Charlie gets a job as a handy man at Mrs Levinson's parlour "Spit and Polish" and gets involved in doing more for the blindfolded male customers, while Stella hits it big on the slot machines.

How the Elephant Got Its Trunk
Young magician Dean Tavoularis takes a camera and decides to try his magic tricks to the public. Charity shop worker Reenie gets a new helper Keith Drop after Winnie has died, a customer asks about a certain piece of jewelry and we find out who Keith Drop really is.

Every episode ends differently but they all connect at the last episode, this one did have it's laughs and on one or two occasions almost choked on my coffee. Some of the characters we see briefly in the previous seasons have more screen time so we are given the chance to see what they are really like instead of snippets even though Reenie is still a bit abusive about...the other charity shop.
" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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Old 27th March 2022, 04:14 AM
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The League Of Gentlemen: Series 4.

Return to Royston Vasey
Benjamin returns to Royston Vasey for the funeral of his Uncle Harvey and with the house in decay, Val, Chloe and Radcliffe have something planned for Benjamin. The vicar is now the Mayor or the town and plans to change things, a council worker and a journalist visit a tower block and find Edward and Tubbs have set up shop in one of the flats. Pauline has dementia and her doctor has set up the re-start course to keep her memory active.

Save Royston Vasey
Al and his wife Tricia are happy until Pops comes back who was apparently lost at sea. The journalist and council worker are held prisoner by Edward and Tubbs. Benjamin finds out what Val and the girls plan on doing to him that becomes a mistake. Mike makes a deal with Geoff, he will take on his idea for a business if Geoff can kill his wife.

Royston Vasey Mon Amour
Les Mcqueen of Creme Brulee may have his big moment to come back to the pop world. Edward and Tubbs are now celebrities and have the residents forming a protest for local people but all does not go well. Val and the girls have realised what they have done and try to change things. Pops manages to find his other son Ritchie and is not happy but things turn round for pops who gets a grim end. What happens to women who use the photo booth is revealed and who actually owns it.

First time seeing this season and surprised there was only 3 episodes but still made me laugh a lot, Benjamin reading a message from Val with her voice over only for her to be sat next to him and on Nude Day. Never say to Tubbs you never caught her name as you will get a sarcastic gesture that was funny and admitting what they done to their hostages live on the news.
" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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Old 28th March 2022, 12:02 AM
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Sherlock Holmes: The Hound Of The Baskervilles.

Holmes and Watson are hired by a Dr. Mortimer, to look into a old curse that may be true with the Baskerville family.

Jeremy Brett and Edward Hardwicke play the sleuthing duo in this adaptation that seems to be a popular Conan-Doyle story, like the previous adaptations and source story this does start off a bit slow and builds up the characters well. The acting is well done, brilliant cinematography mixed in with good scenery, the dog in this seems to appear as a ghost rather than something mutated and risen from the grave and not really seen much, but certainly one to sit back and enjoy with the lights out.

" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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Old 28th March 2022, 04:58 PM
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Sherlock Holmes: The Last Vampyre.

Holmes and Watson are asked to investigate strange goings on ina small village where tragic deaths have been happening and a sinister Mr Stockton has arrived and deaths have been happening since his arrival.

Right at the beginning this starts off like something from a horror film with a girl being carried by a sinister person and a lynch mob of villagers burning down a mansion, then skip to 100 years later. Jeremy Brett and Edward Hardwicke return in this story where Holmes suggests that no crime has been committed but there is curiosity afoot.

This is seems to be a homage to Gothic horror genre added in with a strange mystery of a modern vampire tale, Roy Marsden plays the sinister stranger John Stockton who seems to have the power to memorize those he comes into contact with while Holmes believes vampires do not exist. from the start to the finish this was actually quite good with a nice little twist to the story.

" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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Old 29th March 2022, 09:09 PM
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Kojak, season 1, ep 2. Picked this up a few years back, watched the first one but never carried on for some reason. This was pretty good, though, with Hector Elizondo guest starring as a crooked cop trying to get away with offing his wife's secret lover. I rather enjoyed this!
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Old 31st March 2022, 02:28 PM
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Them on Amazon prime, for some reason I’ve always put myself off from watching this and I don’t know why, anyhow I decided to do so, a 10 episode series I started yesterday, I got so engrossed in it I’m now starting the last episode,
It about the struggles and racism blacks face in communities when they move, a family move into Compton to forget there past of what happened, it’s based in the 50s, the whole style that it’s done In enjoyed, very well made, great acting, now add a little horror Jordan Peele style and this is what you get, the odd scene here and there are quite strong and disturbing for a tv show, that few episodes have a viewers discretion is advice because of the violence and it certainly doesn't hold back any punches either.
Recommend, one of the best shows I've seen in a while.

Last edited by gag; 31st March 2022 at 02:39 PM.
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