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Old 3rd December 2022, 11:05 AM
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The Simpsons: Roasting On A Open Fire.

Homer doesn't get his Christmas bonus, Marge uses all the savings to have a tattoo removed that Bart had. Homer decides to be a store Santa and goes to the dog races and the family get a new edition to the household.

The one that started the franchise and how the animation changed over the years with more budget, who else has gone on stage and sang Jingle Bells Batman Smells

" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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Old 3rd December 2022, 12:38 PM
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The Simpsons: Mr Plow.

After Homer crashes his car he buys a snow Plow and starts up a successful business until Barney becomes compition for him.

I'm not sure if this was classed as a Christmas episode as there is snow but nobody seems to have any decorations up. This does have its moments of laughter especially Homer smacking his face off the Plow door and painfully responding no when Marge asked if that hurt. (Guest Voices: Adam West, Linda Ronstadt) Season 4 Episode 9.

" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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Old 3rd December 2022, 02:32 PM
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The Simpsons: Marge Be Not Proud.

A new game is out Bonestrom, but the family can't afford it, while at the store Bart sees a opportunity to steal but gets caught. Season 7 Episode 11.


Miracle On Evergreen Terrace.

Bart accidentally sets the Christmas tree and presents on fire and blames it on a burglar. Everyone in Springfield donates stuff to the Simpsons until the truth comes out.
Season 9 Episode 10.

These two episodes I have never been fond of as the laughs are very thin and few except Bart getting blamed.for swearing in the Van Houten house just so Millhouse can play with two new games and Bart hatching a plan to wake up early in the morning.

" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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Old 3rd December 2022, 05:22 PM
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The Simpsons: Skinner's Sense Of Snow.

A snow blizzard hits Springfield trapping the kids in school with Principal Skinner, Homer and Ned try to rescue the kids that doesn't go well.

This one always made me laugh with Homer and Ned getting high on car fumes and a funny comment from Wullie to Skinner. Season 12 Episode 8

(Pulling Bart from ventilation shaft, trying to create a tunnel)
Skinner: I know it looks like the part to freedom, but one collapse and presto you got a snow casket.
Bart: I was gonna put butress in it.
Skinner: Gonna wanna shoulda, Wullie destroy it.
Wullie: He did do a bonnie job sir
Skinner: Defying orders eh, well i see you Scotsman are thrifty with courage too.
Wullie: Ok Skinner, that's the last time you'll slap your Wullie around. I quit.


The Simpsons: She Of Little Faith.

Bart and Homer with the nerds build a model rocket that blows up the Springfield church. Mr Burns remodels the church to Lisa's disgust and opts to find a new religion.

This didn't feel like Christmas episode until the last two minutes but does show how and why Lisa became a Buddhist which I completely forgot about, there is some laughs in this with Rev. Lovejoy looking for some enlightment and getting nowhere. (Guest voice Richard Gere). Season 13 Episode 6.

" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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Old 4th December 2022, 10:38 AM
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The Simpsons: Tis The Fifthteenth Season.

A parody of A Christmas Carol with Homer spending money on a expensive present for himself and buying a half dead Christmas tree, reforming his ways then becoming The Grinch with a angry mob singing a Christmas song and ignoring Moe's festive attempt to jump off a building and Ned becoming jealous of Homer and try to out do his generosity. Season 15 Episode 7.

" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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Old 6th December 2022, 01:00 AM
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A Charlie Brown Christmas.

Charlie Brown is feeling depressed around the festive season so the peanut gang organise a nativity play for Charlie to direct it and hopefully cheer him up.

This has some powerful and touching moments yet this was better than I remember seeing it in my younger days, Snoopy on his dog house wih a stack of bones and reading a paper did bring a laugh to me. It does feel dated with the animation bit it's old school that makes it a classic cartoon to watch.

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" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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Old 6th December 2022, 02:32 AM
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It's Christmas Time Again Charlie Brown.

The peanut gang prepare for Christmas in their own way.

This wasn't as good as the previous peanut gang cartoon, it's like Charles Schulze tried too hard to create laughs that didn't pan out well and Sally messing up her line at the school pageant was going to be obvious. A bit dull for me.

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" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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Old 7th December 2022, 10:27 PM
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Colin Baker was in the 1979 ep of Give Us A Clue I saw last night. I nearly choked on my drink.
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Old 8th December 2022, 06:26 PM
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Guardians Of The Galaxy Holiday Special

Drax and Mantis want to give Peter Quill a Xmas Present, so they travel to Earth to kidnap Kevin Bacon. I enjoyed it and Drax, Mantis and Kevin bacon were funny but I didn't think that it was the masterpiece, it's being made out to be.
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Old 9th December 2022, 07:18 PM
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The Simpsons: Christmas Stories.

Homer takes over the church sermon and begins to tell the story of the birth of Jesus. Grandpa tells Bart and Lisa on how he tends to kill Santa that began back in WWII. Everyone gets festive with a rendition of The Nutcracker Suite.

This one was a bit of a laugh with Ned dreaming of.doing a sermon and passing out from a paper cut. Grandpa and Mr Burns on a island was decent and near parody of Castaway. The Nutcracker has always been a laugh with everyone singing along with their own lyrics.

" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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