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Old 3rd June 2008, 04:03 AM
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Default Shameless chatroom/Radio show?

So this idea might a bit be too much too soon, but I've seen the idea implemented on a few forums I'm a member of and it's worked out really well. What about a chatroom? I've no idea how hard or easy it is to set one of these up, but if it was feasible then it might be worth a go, try to get people in for a bit of craic.

On top of that, maybe get some internet radio on the go. I've no idea what way that would work in so far as server space is concerned, but the actual broadcasting seems to be pretty easy on a technical level. There is software out there that allows users to broadcast their tunes from their computer to the wider internet world. The forum members head into the chatroom, we all talk about our favourite films/genre/directors/whatever, whilst listening to the radio, which will be hosted by one of the members of the forum. We could even use Skype to have debates and discussions one on one(or more than one) on the live radio feed. Everyone can get involved on a realtime basis. Imagine having all the great and respected members of the site being involved in realtime discussions, whether via a Skype conversation on the radio, or in the chatroom. It'd be great. Nevermind the general nonsense that would occur.

Again, on a technical level I don't know how easy it would be for the servers to hold up.

Like I say, I've been a part of this type of thing before and it works really well. It could start off as one night a week, and if it becomes popular, then who knows? Could be good.

Last edited by trench; 3rd June 2008 at 04:55 AM.
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Old 3rd June 2008, 09:28 AM
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I'm a sucker for expanding what we can do on here but I've got two things to consider. Firstly the main site itself needs an overhaul - the site we have was fine for launching a label that was predicted to sink under the waves but seeing as we're still live and kicking we want to expand what we can offer online and the current structure is too restrictive - making this change is a big headache though.

The other point I have to mention is I woudn't go ahead with any of the above without the approval of the mods who have been pretty stretched of late dealing with some rather persistent and mean-spirited trolls (makes this sound like Labyrinth!)

The above reasons are dull and tedious though and Shameless has grown as fans become more involved so keep your thoughts in mind and drop me a line as to how you think they could be implemented and if it can work we'll queue it up. The first test would be what do others on the forums here think?
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Old 3rd June 2008, 10:03 AM
Cult Acolyte
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I like what Trench is saying.
Another site I go to has a Friday night chatroom from 9pm till late and it seems to work quite well and it wouldn't have as much traffic pass through as Shameless.
One to give serious thought to IMHO.

I not very technical, so I wouldn't know how the radio would work , but it does sound good.
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Old 3rd June 2008, 11:51 AM
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You can set up a basic/free independant chatroom like I have on my forums, then just post a link for the chatroom on the forum. This is what I did.
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Old 3rd June 2008, 12:37 PM
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chatrooms are good for film nights too- me and fellow blogger james do occasionally have film nights its a bit non technical the way we do it too- we just both set a time and play our films the same time- and then chat while watching.

Incidentally there are some pretty nifty open source chatrooms.

for radio/tv stations- and a tv station could be a trailer reel for example- check out miro (democracy player).

this one I ve just road tested-

there is a version that will integrate with these forums (vbulletin)

oh and democracy player is here-

there should be instructions on how to create a channel there somewhere to broadcast videos etc- for example shameless channel could show a public domain movie with commercial breaks featuring trailers and change the movie now and then. (swamp women would be a good movie to start with),

if I had the time and a faster net connection I would do this for you guys but this would suit someone with a bit of video editting experience.
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Old 3rd June 2008, 12:44 PM
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incidentally i think democracy player works by having connecting to rss channels that users can subscribe too
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Old 3rd June 2008, 12:58 PM
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Originally Posted by herman View Post
for example shameless channel could show a public domain movie
What's the deal as regards 'public domain' in the UK? I was under the impression there's no such thing. Anyone know anything about this?
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Old 3rd June 2008, 03:32 PM
Cult Acolyte
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I know this will probably sound strange but as i've never taken part in a chat room, what exactly goes on.
I've been asked to to join in sometime by some sites that run them , but posting i've no problem with but when it comes to chatting I can be very low in confidence so I never bothered .

I still think its an excellent idea though for Shameless as it seams the next logical step for the site.

Last edited by vipco; 3rd June 2008 at 03:37 PM.
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Old 4th June 2008, 12:14 AM
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Originally Posted by vipco View Post
I know this will probably sound strange but as i've never taken part in a chat room, what exactly goes on.
I've been asked to to join in sometime by some sites that run them , but posting i've no problem with but when it comes to chatting I can be very low in confidence so I never bothered .

I still think its an excellent idea though for Shameless as it seams the next logical step for the site.
its just like this really but real time with everyone online at the same time, if you have ever used anything like msn messenger then its like a group of people being on the same messenger at the same time. err I m not really explaining this very well. you ll have to wait and see, it'll be a surprise
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Old 4th June 2008, 12:20 AM
Cult Acolyte
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I think I get the idea.
A bit like a game lobby were who evers there can talk to anyone else who's there, before or after the game.?

I've been on those but always waited till someone sopke to me first as I tend to find it hard just to go in somewhere and start talking to people I've never spoke to, but once I got to know afew names it was a bit easier.

Last edited by vipco; 4th June 2008 at 12:25 AM.
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